125 years ago: 1894
A tramp named Moody was horribly mangled near Chester while stealing a ride on the train with death resulting.
Among the curiosities exhibited at the Batesville Fair were the coat and vest of Lieut. J. P. Coffin worn at the surrender April 1865.
The time for the rural dance is now here and ere long the strings of the violin accompanied by the tapping toe can be heard by the midnight hour.
Notice: We want to exchange lumber for corn. Will pay 40 cents per bushel for corn and sale lumber at 50 cents a 100 feet. Address us at Clow or call the mill at Compton’s Crossing. Garner and Harrison
97 years ago: 1922
There was no chance of a mistake that the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan had gathered near Nashville for a meeting on last Friday night. A large crowd with a fiery cross was in view of all for a great distance, and many assembled on a hill near the scene and witnessed the meeting. The meeting was held on the farm of O. C. Rodgers in the northern suburbs of Nashville. It was estimated that there was a crowd of 1,000 who passed into the field. A huge cross in the center of the field was lighted and hundreds of men could be seen from the hill as they formed in a double-circle around the cross.
It has been officially announced that Nashville has a Klan with a very substantial membership which is said to be composed of native- born American citizens, who believe in the tenets of the Christian religion, white supremacy and owe no allegiance to any other government, ruler or sect in the world.
67 years ago: 1952
Virgil Howard Parham, Jr. of Nashville died October 1st in Korea of wounds received in action. He was a marine sergeant engaged in frontline battle. Sergeant Parham’s wife and mother who live in Nashville were notified of his death by General Lemuel C. Shepherd, Jr. Commandant of the Marine Corps.
Three of our physicians paid traffic fines recently. Dr. Ed. Hopkins for double parking, and doctors H. H. Holt and Edwin Dildy for running a stop sign near the school. Says Dr. Dildy, “That is what a guy should get. The signs are put there so people will stop.” We might add the physicians have had some mighty fine company among those paying fines.
(Adv.) At the Elberta, Saturday night. That talking mule is back and the army has got him. “Francis Goes to West Point” with Donald O’Conner, Alice Kelly and Francis the Talking Mule
45 years ago: 1974
Howard County tax collection exceeded the million dollar mark on Wednesday, the day after the deadline for paying 1973 taxes. The Sheriff Collector’s office showed a total of $1,360, 987.39 deposited according to Mrs. Lewis Compton, deputy.
David Pryor, Democrat nominee for governor, spoke informally here Thursday morning. The former congressman shook hands with friends at a sponsored coffee at the Lamplighter, then made his brief talk. He will be opposed by the Republican nominee Ken Coon on the general election ballot in November.