125 years ago: 1894
The roller mill is a settled fact. Messrs. Womack and son have made arrangements whereby they will at once proceed to erect a building, 30 by 50 feet, three stories high and put in a fine roller mill. They expect to be ready to start the mill the first of March.
The mill will have a capacity of 50 barrels per day and can supply the trade of this entire section of the country. The farmers of this and adjoining counties should sow plenty of wheat and raise enough grain to keep the mill running.
(Adv.) The animal extracts prepared according to the formula of Dr. WM. A. Hammond in his laboratory in Washington D. C. – Cerebine from the brain for diseases of the brain, Medulline form the spinal cord for diseases of the cord, Cardine from the heart for diseases of the heart, testine from the testes for diseases of the testes. The physiological effects produced by a single dose accelerates the pulse with a feeling of fullness. Write for information to Dr. WM.A. Hammond, Washington D. C.

97 years ago: 1922
S. B. Ponder and Buster Hale, both middle-aged men living a few miles north of this city, were arraigned before Mayor J. S. Butt Wednesday and fined $5 each for fighting. The men quarreled over a difference in accounts and came to blows in front of the Planters Bank Tuesday at noon.
Notice: Unless the practice of wasting water is discontinued at once we will have to cut off all domestic users so that we can fill the tank and give the town fire protection. Anyone caught sprinkling or otherwise wasting water will be cut off at once. P. B. Estes, Fire Chief; J. S. Butt, Mayor; and W. J. Risinger, President
Only brilliant people can afford to look bored.
(Adv.) White Wyandotte cockerels $1.50 to $5.00 each. All vigorous fellows from 200-egg strands. Our hens won the state egg-laying contests. Cassady and McIntuff
67 years ago: 1952
Buddy Bradley, son of Lester Bradley, who coached Nashville football teams to a record number of victories, is proving to be a chip off the old block. In his first year with the varsity, Buddy is proving a good diagnostician and a willing competitor. He weighs in at 152 pounds according to the game programs, is a student of the game and one of the best-liked boys on the ’52 squad. He plays center on offense and linebacker on defense.
A midnight fire destroyed a warehouse and its contents in Nashville Saturday and volunteer firefighters fought off the blaze that threatened a storehouse full of gasoline and oil. Not until the early morning hours of Sunday were the flames brought under control. Owner Ray Utley estimated loss to be between $10,000 and $12,500.
(Adv.) “Harnessed Lightning,” The all new brand new ’53 Dodge coming soon at your Dodge Dealer, Nowell Motor Co. 400 North Main Street.
45 years ago: 1974
Musical instruments and recording and sound equipment were stolen from the Nashville School Band room over the weekend. An unofficial estimate of the value of three flutes, and the sound equipment was fixed at about $1,000. Sheriff Conrad Bagley is investigating. He said the door into the band room inside the school area probably was not firmly closed. The burglary could have taken place Friday, Saturday or Sunday nights.