Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birdog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birdog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


125 years ago: 1894

The people of Nashville donated liberally to the Near East Relief fund this week, G. H. Lewis of Little Rock, representative for the fund in this section reporting to the News that a total of $2,171 in clothes and cash was raised here.

While in the city Mr. Lewis also secured donations for the maintenance of three Armenian orphans.  These donations were made here by the churches of the city. The funds will be sent through the Near East Relief Association.


97 years ago: 1922

The annual camp meeting at Centre Point camp grounds began last Friday and will remain in session until this Friday night.  Those attending Sunday was a large group and a great deal of interest was taken in the day’s service.

(Adv.) Bermuda onion sets are scarce. We have a few on hand. T. A. Hutchinson & Co.

Notice:  Notice is hereby given to all persons that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Hopie Tiffin. Garvin Tiffin


Courtesy photo/HOWARD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Residence of Dr. J. M. Daly, Nashville, circa: 1905

67 years ago: 1952

Three men were fined a total of $400 and cost for “telephone fishing” on Little River. They used a telephone device to stun the fish.  We would say they got the wrong number.

Junior Parker, 22-year-old Howard County resident and a B-29 crew member has been reported missing in action in Korea.  His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker of near Center Point, were advised by a wire from the war department. Parker is a graduate of Dierks High School and attended Business College in Little Rock. His wife Della Jean Parker and his one-month-old son, Richard, are living with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards.

Edwin L. Erwin, 34-year-old engineer and hero of the 5th Army battle in Italy during World War II was killed Monday, August 25, in an automobile accident near Houston, Texas. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Erwin of Nashville and a graduate of Nashville high School.  


45 years ago: 1974

A Texan hit it big at Murfreesboro Tuesday.  Mrs. Hazel Stewart of Wichita Falls, Texas, making her 13th visit to the Crater of Diamonds State Park, found a diamond. The 2.6 carat diamond with eight sides, a cross between a clear white and a silver cape was valued at about $3,000. 

A 50-year-old Center Point man was shot in the stomach Thursday morning by another Center Point man after an apparent scuffle. Deputy Sheriff James Dyer said that Arthur Green was shot in the stomach by a .22 caliber pistol in the home of Rosco Scoggins at about 11:30 a.m.  Green was transferred from Howard Memorial to a Texarkana hospital where his condition was reported as satisfactory.  Scoggins was taken into custody and is being held in the Nashville jail.

(Adv.) Film developed quickly automatically. Try our service. Pile Drug