Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


125 years ago: 1894

Mr. L. M. Walker, of this place, has just made in his blacksmith shop a pair of chizels and a drawing knife which dressed down with an emery wheel will compare favorably with those manufactured in the east. Mr. Walker used nothing but his hammers in making these tools, and was only a little while at it.  He is certainly a genius in his line.

(Adv.) We now have Lou Wesson in our pressing and repairing department and are prepared to give you more prompt and efficient service. Promptness, Efficiency, Courtesy, Uneeda Pressing Club, E. C. Humphries, Prop.

Notice: A number of citizens who have been warned to work the streets have neither worked nor paid. The penalty prescribed by law is a $10 fine for each failure. Please pay up at once as I do not want to issue against you.  J. T. Sutton, Mayor


Courtesy photo/HOWARD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Gathering pears at Sprigg’s Orchard, four miles west of Nashville, circa 1905

97 years ago: 1922

Mrs. Wm. Wepner and daughters, Misses Alice and Daisy Bell, left yesterday for Arkadelphia, where they will remain during the present term of school at Henderson-Brown College. Mrs. Wepfer will have charge of the senior home at the college.

The most interesting feature of the oil development at the Tycap oil test between Washington and Nashville this week was the evidence of gas pressure. The drillers have been busy drawing the five inch casing, and when the well became agitated Tuesday gas came from the well and several times oil ran over the top.

(Adv.) See T. F. Cranford, Optometrist, for spectacles and repairs.  Office at Hale’s Drug Store.


67 years ago: 1952

Funeral services were held Friday for Sims F. Dillard, age 81, life-long resident of Mineral Springs.  Mr. Dillard was the oldest survivor of the Dillard family which was one of the first families to settle in Southwest Arkansas. He had been a county judge, tax assessor, and a member of the Mineral Springs school board. He was engaged in extensive farming operations and the mercantile business until his retirement a few years ago.

With the 1952 hunting season underway thousands of Arkansans will be going afield. Most of them will enjoy autumn, get their game and have good hunts, but for a few the hunts end in tragedy.  These are the ones who have forgotten that a gun has but one basic purpose- to kill. One thing you can never overdo is gun safety. 


45 years ago: 1974

If shoppers and music lovers float to Nathan this week, the Tollivers will be pleased. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tolliver will formally open their grocery and station there with a three-day celebration beginning Thursday and ending Saturday with a musical jamboree and prize giving.

The Tolliver family came to the Nathan area in 1956. He was born and reared at Mesquite, Texas.  He bought what old timers called the Old Holmes Place, about 488 acres for development in the cattle and chicken business.  Later he added another 80 acres. They have five children, all married.