Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


125 years ago: 1894

A horse belonging to Mr. B. M. Copeland in County Line jumped a paling fence at Mr. D. B. Sain’s Sunday night and stuck a paling in him and died in a few hours from the effects. 

The first brick of the first brick building to be erected in Nashville was laid Thursday morning at 10. Capt. Geo. M. Clark acting as master of ceremonies and after “spitting“ on the brick for luck, laid the first brick of the foundation of a building which is to be an ornament for Nashville.

(Adv.) Alex L. Skillern, dealer in hardware, stoves and tin ware, furniture, farm tools, machinery, agents for Oliver’s chilled plows, specialties in Superior Mohawk and Alamo stoves, Nashville, Arkansas


97 years ago: 1922

Courtesy photo/HOWARD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Wagon Yard scene in Nashville, circa 1900

Up to Thursday there had been 3,017 bales of cotton received at the local warehouses as against 1,374 to the same date last year.  The heavy receipts here are accounted for by the price paid on the Nashville Market this year. Much of the cotton has come from a great distance, and the cotton hauler with a camping outfit is again a common sight in the section where the cotton is handled. 

Notice: Taken-up one black and white cow with swallow fork in right ear, crop and split in left, branded LN on left hip, large burn on back. Owner can get the same by calling and paying expenses, J. G. Reese, Marshal.

Notice: There is a city ordinance prohibiting the riding of bicycles on the sidewalks and same will hereafter be strictly enforced.


67 years ago: 1952

The K. Lee Williams Theatres will definitely have a drive-in theatre by next spring according to manager Cecil Callaham. The theatre is to be built approximately one and one-half miles north of Nashville on the Murfreesboro Highway. The screen will be nearest the highway facing away.

The B-PW square dance which was postponed last week will be held Friday night in the high school gymnasium. Mrs. Lucy Rigsby, president, announced after a dinner meeting of the organization Monday at the Nashville Hotel. The Ozan String Band will furnish music and Bud Crawley will be the caller.  The five piece band has played often for dances in Nashville since its organization a year ago, and for the past six weeks four of the members has been featured on a Sunday radio variety show from Hope.

(Adv.) Now we can wash your automobile. We have attached an orchard spray to a tank and are hauling our own water for use in washing cars. Let us put that sparkle and glisten back on your automobile. Ball Chevrolet


45 years ago: 1974

Theodore Green, 190 pounds and an all-conference returner, will lead Mineral Springs linemen against class A Gurdon Friday night. Green is a three-year starter and will call defensive signals for the Hornets this year.

The Spanish American War Vets are dwindling down to 1,352 and all are over 90 years of age. It has been a long time since that fight at San Juan Hill 76 years ago and proof, too, that war will kill you eventually.