Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


125 years ago: 1894

Some of our boys are thinking of going west to carve their fortunes in the land of the wind and the home of the coyotes. Good luck to you boys.

Our junior baseball team of nine which recently started out with such flourish of trumpets has met with two signal defeats. The first game with the Pleasant Valley resulted in a great victory for the Pleasant Valley Club, and the second game, played with the Center Point Club was won by the Center Pointers. Our boys need more practice and then they will be all right.

Vote against license. Don’t legalize a wrong. If you do, you are a party to that wrong. May God bless the people of good old Howard County and may they never be cursed with saloons again.


97 years ago: 1922

All the oil men of Oklahoma and Texas fields look for revival of interest in “wildcatting” in Arkansas in a short time now. The price of crude oil has again started up.

Sheriff Roy Morris and Deputy Clarence Dildy were called to the northern part of the county last week to investigate a shooting which occurred near Burg on Thursday. It was found that Eli Pinkerton had been shot by Tom Sharp, the gun used being a shot gun loaded with small shot. The wounds inflicted were not serious. 

(Adv.) One day bargain sale. Saturday, September 2. I will offer everything in my entire stock at a big, big bargain for one day only.  One lot of shoes, per pair $1.00, one lot dress goods, per yard 5 cents, At 9:00 I will sell one lot enamel ware per piece, 10 cents.  J. R. McInturff


Courtesy photo/HOWARD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY BACK TO SCHOOL. Neva Byrd and other Nashville High School teachers work the registration line to start the 1982-83 academic year.

67 years ago: 1952

Mr. Stork and the Pete White Family of Nathan engaged in a race last week and the bird won. Early Friday night two miles from Nashville Mrs. White gave birth to their fourth child. Ruby Darlene, 6 lbs. and full of energy arrived by the roadside and just a few minutes away from Memorial Hospital. Mrs. White had Pete to stop the car and Mr. Stork won the race.

Jo Byers, fiery star of the Nashville girls’ basketball team for the past three years will sign a contract Friday to play with Hazel Walker’s famous Arkansas Travelers. Byers has a letter confirming Hazel Walker’s offer and asking Jo to report to Little Rock Friday to be fitted into one of the gaudy Traveler uniforms to be photographed and to sign a contract. 

(Adv.) We respect your budget here.  Coffee in Folgers lb. tins, 85 cents; Colgate, giant tube, 37 cents; tall pork and beans 25 cents; jello, three pkgs. 25 cents; blackeyed peas, 10 cents, Wilson’s Grocery, phone 53


45 years ago: 1974

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Haynes of Nashville brought ina historic sketch of Bingen that was first printed in the Hope Star in 1936 and then reprinted in 1967.  According to the article Bingen gets its name from an old German poem titled, “Bingen on the Rhine.” Dr. J. R. Wolff, a German and also an early settler, may have given the settlement its name. Dr. Wolff owned a lot of property in and around Bingen, and he operated a gin and grist mill and later a flour mill at Bingen.