Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


125 years ago: 1894

Our community was thrown into a high pitch of excitement last Friday evening over Everett Spriggs and Johnnie Sands taking a French leave and starting on a voyage around the world. They were over taken at midnight Friday night about eight miles from Nashville and returned to their parents. 

We noticed in a Copenhagen paper two volcanoes in Iceland are advertised for sale. The price asked being $750 each.

Notice: Good second-hand wagon to be traded for hogs, beef cattle or money.  Apply to F. T. Shephard.

(Adv.) Bucklen’s Arica  Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chilblains, corns, skin eruptions, and positively cures piles.


97 years ago: 1922

The ordinance prohibiting the running at large of fowls in a certain part of the city known as the “Chicken Law” will become effective next Thursday, August 17.  The ordinance provides that anyone guilty of violating this ordinance shall be fined not less than $1.00 and not more than $5.00.

In many localities in the state and particularly in Little Rock a brand new factor has appeared in the entrance into the political arena, that of the secret fraternal order of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.  

Courtesy photo/HOWARD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY The S. B. Reese Sawmill located two miles east of Nathan, circa: 1909

While it is impossible to ascertain the numerical strength of the Order, it is currently reported that throughout the state there is a membership of 25,000. 

(Adv.) After every meal Wrigley’s chewing gum. The flavor lasts- Juicy Fruit, Peppermint, and Spearmint. Save the wrapper. It is good for valuable premiums.


67 years ago: 1952

Successful use of one traffic light at Main Street is leading to a second.  In unanimous action Monday night the city council authorized the purchase of a light to be installed on the corner of South Main and Third Street near the City Market. 

The council agreed that the first light at the Post Office corner had solved a serious traffic problem except “Jaywalkers” that the council said needed an education. 

Driving too slowly on highways can be hazardous and costly. A. A. Wallace, address unknown, was fined $14 and costs Saturday in justice of the peace court here. 

He was charged with “driving at an unreasonably slow speed and causing a traffic hazard” in connection with a minor mishap Aug. 6 on Highway 24 south.


45 years ago: 1974

Jesse Plunk who serves tourists in Murfreesboro recalls an interesting incidence. A Texas family with four big youngsters traveling in a deluxe Airstream vehicle bought $29 worth of groceries. They used food stamps. 

Pierre Salinger, writing for L’Express of Paris, covered the political appearances and the Nashville Poultry Festival in May. Salinger, one-time press secretary to the late President John Kennedy, arrived in Nashville for the festival and spent the day observing the activities and listening to the political talks.

(Adv.) Film developed quickly, automatically. Try our service. Pile Drug, Nashville.