Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


125 years ago: 1894

Col. Ed. Barker, the Populist candidate for governor, introduced a bill in the legislature to re-establish the “whipping post” in Arkansas. How would you like to support a man who would have every poor devil who commits a minor offense strapped to a post and publically thrashed?

Mr. P. B. Kindall of Picayune was in town Saturday.  He says that a party of six or eight will leave his neighborhood about the middle of this month for a bear hunt over in the Nation. They will spend about a month in search of the bruin.

(Adv.) I am the agent for the Birmingham Smith Gins, celebrated gin feeder and condenser, and I carry them in stock. There is no better gin in the world than a Birmingham Smith Gin. Yours truly, Geo. L. Rector


97 years ago: 1922

W. T. Whitmore, who has been confined to his bed for several weeks as a result of injuries received when a bale of cotton fell on him, has recovered sufficiently enough to be back in town Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Whiteside and little daughter, Martha Jean, of Washington D. C., arrived in the city Friday for a visit with relatives and friends. Mr. Whiteside is the very efficient secretary to Senator T. H. Caraway.

Notice: The annual “Old Folks” camp meeting will begin at Sweet Home near Tokio on Friday, Aug. 25 and will continue for ten days.  


Courtesy photo/HOWARD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY The home of Mr. and Mrs. Asa J. Forgy and their children in Center Point, 1905. The house was originally the home of Sam W. Henry, who came to Center Point in 1841.

 67 years ago: 1952

Polk and Howard Counties are circulating a petition to the voters in both counties asking the state to take the road over from Umpire to Wickes. 

This was once a state road until the bridge washed out on the Cossatot River, then it was placed on the county.  We of the north end should have this road improved so that we can market such products as berries and posts.

Pfc. William C. Spigner, 22-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Spigner of Mineral Springs, began combat with the 5th Infantry Division in Korea on June 17th. The Division was fighting recently near Inje, Korea.  Pfc. Spigner fires a browning automatic.  He also does part-time barber work. He is a 1950 graduate of Mineral Springs High.


45 years ago: 1974

The first Country and Western musical will be held in the new Center Point Community Center at Center Point next Saturday beginning at 7:30 p.m. Appearing will be Austin Blackwood and his Rocky Mountain Boys, Virgil Kirby and the Daisy Drifters and others. No admission will be charged at the door.

Congressman Ray Thornton joined the majority of the 38 members of the House Judiciary Committee in its Saturday vote (27-11) to impeach President Richard Nixon for violation of his oath of office and high crimes and misdemeanors.  Thornton represents the 4th Congressional district of Arkansas, which includes Howard County.