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The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


125 years ago: 1894

European astronomers think they have discovered an effort on the part of the inhabitants of the planet Mars to communicate with the inhabitants of earth. It has long been agreed that Mars is inhabited, but we do not know anything of the characteristics of the people, but we may conceive that they have gifts far superior to those we enjoy.  

(Adv.) The cancer receipt used by Dr. Armfield of Ozan, who had so successfully applied it in several cases in this and several adjoining counties can be had by applying to me at this place. I sold Dr. Armfield his receipt and it is a sure cure. It will only cost you the small sum of $10. W. T. Harwell


97 years ago: 1922

The big Barbecue and picnic held at Chapel Hill School House three miles north of Nashville on the Nashville and New Hope Road, Tuesday proved to be a great success from every standpoint. The barbecue was the very best, talk was fine, the baseball game was good and the general spirit of the crowd was the best ever seen in these parts. The picnic was given by the people of the Chapel Hill neighborhood with the cooperation of the Nashville Chamber of Commerce.

A windstorm which struck the orchard of W. P. Feazel west of Nashville Wednesday morning about 10 did considerable damage to the orchard, but no damage of any extent is reported from any of the surrounding community. The packing shed on the orchard was completely wrecked and about 150 peach trees were blown down.  

(Adv.) “The Sheik,” the latest super special by Paramount with Agnes Ayers and Rudolph Valentino in the leading rolls, will be shown at the Liberty Theatre next Tuesday night. This great story has been one of the most popular books ever sold in this city.


CIRCA 1960. Dr. Lee Smith stands outside Arsenic Cave eight miles west of Dierks on the Saline River. Archie Cothren looks over old signatures carved on the wall. Arsenic Cave was a popular attraction in the early 1900s.

67 years ago: 1952

Bedding was distributed to 12 farm families in the Dierks storm disaster area on Friday, June 20 by Mrs. Carter Day and Mrs. Robbie Stone, representing home demonstration clubs. The bedding included pillow cases, sheets, blankets, comforts, bedspreads, and luncheon sets. Home demonstration club members from Van Buren, Clay, Crawford, Sevier, Sebastian, White and Howard County sent articles to Mrs. Day to distribute.

Glenn Stone, 38-year-old farmer of Route 4, Nashville, was treated for snake bite Monday at Memorial Hospital here.    Hospital attendants said Stone told them he was bitten on the left hand by the snake, which was lying in a stack of feed.  He identified the snake as a copperhead. 

(Adv.) Let’s go Roller Skating. Open every day, two hour sessions nightly.  Prince’s Roller Rink, Wilson Alsabrook, owner.


45 Years ago: 1974

Nashville and Southwest Arkansas Poultry Festival stole the show at the Arkansas Poultry Festival in Little Rock Saturday. Mrs. Beverly Starr of Nashville was named “Chicken Cooking” Queen, the third Nashville woman in five years to win the award.  The two predecessors to Mrs. Starr as Arkansas Chicken Cooking Queen from Nashville are Jennie Chandler and Elizabeth Tomerlin.