Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Files



125 years ago: 1894

Prof. White, who has been teaching school at Ben Lomond for some time, while attending the Normal at Lockesburg this week committed suicide by blowing the top of his head off with a Winchester rifle last Sunday night. 

It is thought that his mind was affected as he had complained for two or three days, and as he was attempting to do the fatal deed his gun was taken from him by this wife and another lady, but he succeeded in getting it again and before they could give assistance or bind him, he ran out into the yard and committed the horrible deed.

Those who are choice about what kind of game they hunt can find anything from a snowbird up to a bear in a radius of three miles from Nashville.

97 years ago: 1922

Hens can be cured from eating eggs by paring off the end of their beaks until it is very tender. It should not be cut so as to make it bleed. After being cut back until the quick is almost exposed, give the hens some china eggs to pick at. As the usual thing they soon get over their desire to pick at anything hard and by the time their beaks have grown out they have gotten entirely over the vice.

Courtesy photo/HOWARD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Construction of the City Lake, Nashville, early 1900s


(Adv.) “111,”a year ago almost unknown, today a leader, 10 cents. A sweeping verdict for quality.

67 years ago: 1952

The armadillo from West Texas and New Mexico and other arid states is moving into Arkansas. Photographer Ed Ramage of Nashville saw one of the hard-shelled animals at Narrows Lake, Thursday.   The fugitive from the arid states apparently was unable to conquer the water and drowned. 

43 years ago: 1976

Mr. Baker said the kitchen would be available to women’s organizations for their own use. “We had a wonderful opening and we certainly appreciate our many visitors and friends that helped to make our grand opening a success,” Mr. Baker said.


Thousands of housewives visited the full kitchen display at Easy Pay Tire Store’s grand opening of its new quarters here last weekend, according to Mr. Grady Baker, owner. The fully equipped kitchen was installed in a new location on the corner of Second and North Main.  

A 59-year-old Murfreesboro man suffered severe leg injuries Sunday morning in an accident at the Murfreesboro Lumber company.  Woodrow Hudson, a 29-year employee at the mill had both legs nearly severed when a 6 thousand pound band mill saw wheel fell on him.  

Some 40 pickers Friday were harvesting a crop of Early Red peaches at the Ford and McClure Orchard.  Kenneth Ford said workers packed peaches Thursday for eight hours, finishing up the Canadian variety.  Major fruit shipments are expected to begin between June 10 and 15.

Mrs. Luella Boles was hostess for the May meeting of the Moonlighters Extension Homemakers Club.  The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Boles, club president. Members sang “America the Beautiful.” The devotion was given by Mrs. Elsie Vaughn. Roll called was answered by, “the last dried fruit I served my family.”