Home Breaking News The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


125 years ago: 1894

Mr. R. D. McCrary of Centre Point, but formerly from Nashville and better known by the boys as Mann, passed through here last Saturday enroute for Wagner, I.T. where he has accepted a position with a drug house at that place.  We know he will be sadly missed by the society of young ladies of Centre Point.

Thomas Bryant, son of Widow M.A. Bryant living near Bingen, while in a fit last Monday fell off the bed on which he was lying and fell into the fireplace, in which was a bed of hot embers, seriously burning his side, face and arms.  It is doubtful he will recover.  His mother was out in the field at the time the accident occurred.


Freeman Holland Store, Saratoga, circa 1930

97 years ago:  1922

Miss Elsie May Reese and L.L. Callaham both of Centre Point were married at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Ed Hopkins in this city.  The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Reese of Centre Point and is a very popular young lady.  The groom is conducting a grocery business in Centre Point and is a very capable young man. The News joins in wishing them many years of happiness and prosperity.

The city council at its regular meeting Monday night passed an ordinance prohibiting the driving of stock or cattle of any kind on Main Street if unhaltered.  

In the past Main Street has been the principle thoroughfare where stock was driven when passing through the city, and on numerous occasions their pilgrimage through the city has been a great nuisance, especially during the summer months, when the clouds of dust raised by them would almost stifle the people and ruin a great deal of merchandise.

(Adv.) Your next Coca-Cola, bottled and delicious, 5 cents and ice cold. Just the beverage you want for wholesome good old thirst. Telephone your grocer for a case for your home. Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Nashville, Forrest Wilson, Manager


67 years ago: 1952

A neighbor help fortune to smile on Marlin Allen of Dierks recently on the radio show “Strike It Rich.” Mr. Allen was seriously injured in the tornado that killed his wife, father, mother, sister, niece, grandfather, grandmother and neighbor. It also destroyed his home and injured his four year old son.

Mrs. William L. Alexander, the neighbor, wrote a letter to the New York program telling them of the tragedy that struck the Allen Family. The letter through the aide of John Lester of radio and television won Mr. Allen $360 and mail from coast to coast.

J. N. Nichols, a member of the local school board, will award diplomas to 78 Nashville High School seniors in commencement exercises Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Whiteside Hall. 

Speakers will be the top honor graduates; valedictorian, Judy Bradley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bradley, salutatorian Linda Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Campbell, and Mason Andres, class president.


43 years ago: 1976

Three dogs died of poison Monday at farm homes north near Nashville on the New Hope Road. Two valuable cowdogs belonging to Hix Smith Sr. died Monday afternoon. An autopsy performed on one dog by a local veterinarian revealed that the dog ate poisoned wheat mixed in with meat and potatoes. A squirrel dog belonging to S. J. Turner also died of poisoning. A reward of $500 was being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the dog poisoners.