Home Breaking News The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


125 years ago: 1894

Some unknown person shot at R. C. Stuart in Columbus on the night of 30th of March. Missing his aim only by a hair’s breath, the ball went directly through his derby hat and created quite a sensation. Officers have no idea who did it or the cause of the murderous attempt. 

General R.G. Shaver and Captain John A. Hughes of Centre Point are attending the reunion of the ex-confederates at Birmingham, Alabama this week. They will doubtless have a good time. 

Small pox has been raging at Texarkana for a week or more and there have been several deaths. A telegram late Thursday evening reported 27 cases and five deaths. All the towns around Texarkana have been quarantined against that place.


97 years ago: 1922

Courtesy photo/HOWARD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Mineral Springs, the Artesian Well, circa 1915

A fire of unknown origin completely destroyed the Alice Theatre and the Alice Hotel in Hope at an early hour on April 3. The fire not being discovered until the upper portion of the building was in flames. The building, which was a three story structure, contained a rooming house on the two upper floors. There were eighty rooms. The lower floor housed the Alice Theatre which was said to be the finest theatre building in the state.

 (Adv.) The ladies of the Methodist Church will have a market Saturday at the Moon’s Cash Store. Coffee and sandwiches will be served.


67 years ago: 1952

Tuesday’s rain storm hid the work of a thief in the Elberta Theatre according to manager Cecil Callaham. Sometime between 1:30 and 4:30 p.m. when the torrent was at its worst, $13.62 was stolen from the theatre office. 

Entry was made by knocking out a glass panel on the office door.  The lobby door was unlocked and entry to the theatre was no problem. The change was taken from a filing cabinet. “Whoever it was missed about $40 that was in the open vault in a cashier’s box,” Mr. Callaham said.

Floyd Matthews of Ozan realized the dream of all lovers of fried chicken recently.  A chicken egg hatched out a chick with four legs, and at three weeks of age the part Barred Rock chick is doing fine, pecking away at chicken feed at a normal pace. The extra set of legs are almost normally developed and the chick uses the spare set for his seat occasionally. The spare set is attached well above the normal joint and project high behind. 


43 years ago: 1976

Doyle Marshall, a USDA employee at Tyson’s, has received an agency award for “Sustained Superior Performance” for carrying out his responsibilities covering all phases of meat and poultry inspections. Dr. Paul Thompson presented the award.

Nashville Junior High’s mile relay team won the annual Scrapper Relay event here last Thursday, and the team finished second to Class AA Hope in the division. Members of the Scrapper team include Richard Oxley, Brian Howard, Rickey Westfall and Troy Duke.  Howard was high point man and set a high jump record.

An elderly Nashville resident drowned Thursday afternoon while fishing in the relief waters west of the Saline River on the Lockesburg Highway. He was Jim Anderson, age 87.  

Sheriff Conrad Bagley said Anderson was pole fishing on the bank of the water and possibly stood up and lost his balance on the slippery bank. Duncan Scoggins, a feed truck driver passing by, saw Anderson floundering in the water, but Anderson had gone under by the time Scoggins ran from the highway to the bank of the river.