Home Breaking News The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


125 years ago: 1894

The public school system is modeled after that of more advanced northern states.  Every child in the state, white or black is guaranteed the privilege of a good common school education. The motto of the state is “An educated child is the best legacy that can be left for the perpetuity of the country.”

Notice: The Texarkana Car and Foundry Co. of Texarkana wants an active young man to canvas Howard County for the sale of cotton gins, presses, boilers and engines.  If you want a good job with a good house write them at once telling them you saw this notice in the News.


97 Years ago: 1922

Courtesy photo/HOWARD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Chapel Hill Church of Christ, circa, 1904

The Better Baby Day program under the auspices of the Woman’s Literacy Club will be held in Nashville on Saturday, May 6 at which time every mother of this section is urged to have her baby on display. 

The show will be held at the Hill Building on South Main Street and a parade in part of the town will be a feature of the day.  Prizes for the show will be announced later.

(Adv.) You are going to yell when you see Charlie Chaplin wander through the trials of mother hood in “The Kid” which will be shown at the Princess Theatre, Tuesday and Wednesday night. The Kid is Jackie Coogan, the funniest youngster ever to be seen on the screen.


67 years ago: 1952

James Neal Nutt, two- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Nutt of Blackland Community, is in Memorial Hospital after getting his arm caught in a washing machine wringer.  

His mother left the washing with her help to go into the house for starch and the child climbed up on the wringer and put his hand on the roller. 

His arm was pulled in up to his shoulder and the wringer was working when his mother reached him and released the wringer.  The youngster’s arm is reported seriously injured but he is improving. His father is employed at Okay.

Private Billy Spigner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Spigner of Mineral Springs departed from Camp Stoneman, California on April 12th bound for duty with the Far East Command, either at Japan or Okinawa.  He sailed on the USS Buckner.  He sailed on his birthday, his mother said.

A heavily laden log truck collided with a passenger car Monday near Umpire and killed a 60-year-old North Howard woman, Mrs. Robert Bailey, who lived about one mile west of Umpire. She apparently died instantly in the collision.  

Her son, 17-year-old Franklin Bailey, received injuries and was brought to Memorial Hospital in Nashville. He suffered chest injuries, severe lacerations about the face and head and broken ribs. 

Fletcher Pinkerton of North Howard, who was at the scene shortly after the accident, said the cars met head-on.  He said the entire motor of the passenger car was driven under the truck.


43 years ago: 1976

Leaflets were dropped over Dierks, Mountain Pine and Wright City, Oklahoma Thursday urging workmen to return to work at Weyerhaeuser plants in Arkansas and Oklahoma. A Dierks resident said a single engine aircraft about 11:00 a.m. made four runs over the city dropping the leaflets that urged workmen wishing to go back to work to meet Monday.  

The leaflets were undersigned,”Strikers and Businessmen.”