Home Breaking News The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


News reached here last week that Sallie Johnson of Buck Range, formerly, was lying at the point of death at her home in the Territory near Dog Town. Her son, Henry, is also very low with heart disease and is not expected to live.

An Oxford library has a manuscript containing the whole Bible. It is written on a piece of parchment so thin and the writing is so minute that the whole when rolled up is neatly packed away in the shell of a common walnut.

(Adv.) Mrs. Elizabeth Messer was rescued from death. All said she could not live a month. Now alive and well thanks to Hood’s Sarsaparilla


97 years ago: 1922

Remmell and Kirk Watson, brothers, were convicted in the Pike County Circuit Court of murder in the first degree Wednesday and sentenced to serve the balance of their lives in the penitentiary. 

The Watsons were charged with killing Earnest Young, a 22-year-old farmer, last December. Young was riding along on the road near his home in Pike County when he was fired upon from ambush, dying before he could tell who did the shooting. 

The Watson Brothers had quarreled with Young a few days before the killing and were arrested a few days after the killing and charged with the crime.

Josh White, aged about 75 years, was instantly killed by an accidental discharge from a shotgun in his hands in his home near Polk Church in Muddy Fork Township early Monday morning. 

Mr. White had arisen as usually and had helped his wife in preparation for breakfast, after which he returned to his room to clean his shot gun for the purpose of killing some hogs, the pest having become bad around his place during the past few weeks. 

He was alone in his room when the gun was discharged and there is no way of knowing just how the accident occurred. 

The charge entered the lower bowels on the right side and ranged toward the heart, causing instant death.  

Mr. White is one of the oldest and best citizens of the county and a very useful man during his life. He is survived by his wife and five children.


67 years ago: 1952

Two medical bags stolen from Dr. J. G. Waldrop’s automobile the night of March 21 were found Sunday by Reeder Dildy in a field three miles west of Nashville according to city Marshal Olin Ball Monday. The marshal said nothing had been stolen from the bags which had suffered damage in the rains.

The theft was apparently the act of people seeking drugs.

(Adv.)  Freel’s Special for Wednesday, Happy Home dresses. Sensations when we introduced them last month for $2.99. Freel’s brings you these Happy Home Cottons this Wednesday. Hurry in to get yours.

43 years ago: 1976

Joey Jamison of Nashville will receive a Bachelor of Science degree during commencement exercises at Arkansas Polytechnics College. 

He is among 358 candidates for graduation. Commencement will be held next Saturday in the John E. Tucker Coliseum according to Dr. Kenneth Kersh.