Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


120 years ago:  1899

About 70 of our people went to Hope last night to witness a performance of Barlow’s Minstrels. The show was good and the crowd enjoyed the trip, though many of them felt a little sleepy when they got back home at 1 a.m.

Tice, Frazier and Morrow, the last of 27 men who were put in jail last November for terms ranging from 30 days to 10 months are expected home in a few days.  The court has dealt kindly with the boys this time, but should they violate the law again they need expect no mercy.

Notice: The Farmer’s Wire Fence Company is hereby called to meet on Saturday the 11th at 1:00.  All of the stock holders are requested to be present as business of importance will come before the body, F. T. Shepherd, President 

(Adv.) A car of Fresh Jack Rabbit Flour just received at J.P. Rexell & Co.

Coach Herman McAllister and three of his Mineral Springs football players. circa: 1955


98 years ago: 1921

The House passed the bill by Senator Latimer for relief of Nashville Water Works Improvement District, the bill having been passed by the Senate last week. There was but one dissenting vote in the House. The bill authorizes the assurance of an additional 5% of bonds for the purpose of drilling a well for the district.

William Collier Jr., son of the famous comedian, plays opposite Olive Thomas in her last picture, “Everybody’s Sweetheart,” which will be shown at the Princess Theatre March 1. If Olive Thomas can cheer up the inmates of a poorhouse, she can surely make you forget your troubles, so be sure and see her last picture, “Everybody’s Sweet Heart.”

(Adv.) Our drugs are full standard strength. You need a spring tonic now. Too much heavy food during the winter months and too little exercise has clogged your system. Buy your spring tonic from us and know that it is right. Peoples Drug Co.


65 years ago: 1954

Nashville’s Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club wrote letters protesting construction of Millwood Dam on Little River this week. The letters went to Senator John McClellan and to the Resources and Development Commission of the United States Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber and the Club both advocated flood control by the smaller series of dams.

Parents and teachers, the women in blue jeans and the men in gingham, will play a benefit basketball game at the gym Monday night.  Proceeds will be used to improve the grounds at the grade school.


43 years ago: 1976

J. Alton Daniel was a victim of his own good intentions, Wednesday. He planned a controlled burning of his grass to prevent accidental fire getting into his new hay barn with 3000 bales of good hay.

A vagrant breeze ended Dan’s plans.

The Nashville firemen fought the fire from ravaging the woods nearby but the hay barn was beyond saving when they arrived at the farm east of Nashville.

  In 1840 there were only three households in the area that is now Nashville.  They were Isaac C. Perkins, Abel B. Clements and William C. Coulter, with their families and slaves. The Coulters occupied the modest two-room cottage that in time became the handsome Colonial type structure known as the Reese House for years.   Last week the remains of that landmark were set on fire.

Before fire sent the aged wood up in smoke the roof had been razed and some of the structure’s doors and stairs had been salvaged.  The original two rooms became part of the big two-story house constructed in 1850.