Home Breaking News Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


120 years ago:  1899

The tax collector will be here next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Get your little money ready and say goodbye to it.

Mrs. Polly Graves died Saturday at her home near Centre Church in her 83rd year. She had been a citizen of this county since 1853. Her husband died in 1873. She was a consistent Christian and devoted to the Centre Methodist Church, having been a member since the organization of that church.

(Adv.) Did you get up with a lame back? Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is the remedy for all kidney, bladder and uric acid troubles. By special arrangement every reader of this paper to prove to themselves the wonderful merits of this great discovery, they have a sample bottle sent absolutely free by mail. Dr. Kilmer and Company, New York

Bell-Ball House, South Main, Nashville. Built in 1910.


98 years ago:  1921

The home brew artist is scheduled for a lively time if the bill introduced by Senator Wood should become a law.  Not only must he be shadowed by the federal sleuths operating, but he will be subjected to the surveillance of state officers , sheriffs, constables and their deputies, if he dare adopt any of the crude subterfuges for the manufacture of that which is vulgarly known as white mule, chain lightning or hooch.   Any device that separates alcoholic spirit from any fermented substance shall be regarded as a distillery. The bill provides that anyone who converts a kettle, wash pot, metal can, tank, barrel or other vessel into a still shall be deemed to be a manufacturer of stills.

At a special city council meeting Wednesday night the matter of fire protection for the city was discussed at length, and it was decided to organize a volunteer fire company as soon as possible. Mayor Butt appointed a committee to look at the placing of the fire hose in such a place as will be convenient to all parts of the city.

This committee has made arrangements with the Esta Auto Company to keep the hose in their garage where it can be loaded onto a truck and rushed to a fire immediately when an alarm is given. The city has no hose reel at present and the hose will be kept on a rack in the garage ready to be dumped into a truck in a moment’s time. The tank is being kept full of water at all times.


65 years ago:  1954

A suit for $1484.05 has been filed in Circuit Court by Dewey Weems, Nashville, plaintiff with Grady Baker, defendant. Weems’s suit alleges the defendant owes the amount as the result of the selling of a jointly owned shoe shop in Nashville.

Ramage Studio reopened on North Main last week after an absence of several months due to a 1953 fire.  Owner Ed Ramage said the studio had been completely remodeled from the camera and photo display at the front, through the portrait studio and into the dark rooms.  As a feature of the reopening the studio showed old family photographs of prominent Howard County residents. Hundreds of visitors looked at the photographs during the official opening.

(Adv.) Four big days at the Elberta Theatre, One of the year’s finest pictures, “Shane” starring, Alan Ladd, Jean Arthur and Van Heflin.  There never was a story like “Shane.”  There never was a picture show like” Shane.”