120 years ago: 1899
Our News has just completed its 20th year and this issue is the beginning of the 21st year.
For 15 years of this time, the paper has been published here in Nashville. It is one of the solid business institutions of the town and is always at work for the improvement of the town and surrounding country.
Someday Howard County will be famed for its mineral wealth. The hastening of that day is with the people. Somebody is going to get rich from the mines of Howard County, but not those who fail to take advantage of the opportunities.
(Adv.) Iron Mountain Route, Solid trains between St. Louis, Missouri and Galveston, Texas and St. Louis and El Paso. Only one change of cars between St. Louis and the city of Mexico and San Francisco. H. C. Townsend, GPA, St. Louis, Missouri.
98 years ago: 1921
The heavy snow and sleet of Friday night has not curtailed the fruit crop in this section at all. It is thought that only the opened blossoms of which there were very few having been killed by the freeze.
Bert Johnson and other officers of the Bert Johnson Orchards are very optimistic over the outlook for the crop, stating that only about 10 to 15 percent of the buds had been killed.
(Adv.) For Sale: 600 bushels of good corn in husk, 300 bushels of cotton seeds , one used overland 25HP automobile, one fine OIC brood sow, a few shoats, a few pigs, 10 head of cattle and a complete printing outfit perfect for a county newspaper. Wolff Store, Bingen
65 years ago: 1954
Winston Beavert, Murfreesboro school student, will get $75 in reward when the 11th annual state recognition dinner for the future of Arkansas is held in Little Rock. The son of Mr. and Mrs. John Beavert was the 4th place winner in the state wide stock improvement contest. He will be accompanied to Little Rock by Harold Kidd, the agriculture instructor at Murfreesboro.
Whiskey stills are growing fewer and fewer in Howard County in the past years, but they still do exist. The sheriff’s department raided a 60-gallon pot in Clay Township last Thursday. The custodians of the plant were missing, but Sheriff Ambrose Chesshir and his deputy, Charley McLarey, found five barrels of mash.
“I guess they knew we were watching the still because they were gone, and they left the beer and let it spoil,” said the sheriff.
43 years ago: 1976
Mike Pope Jr., a young beef and poultry farmer of near Mineral Springs, will represent Nashville this weekend at the Arkansas Outstanding Young Farmer event. The event will be in Nashville Saturday and the winner will represent Arkansas this month at the National OYF event. The OYF meeting will be hosted for the first time by the Nashville Jaycees and Nashville Farm Implement Inc.
A 43 year old Nashville man committed suicide Saturday night within 40 yards of the police station. The victim, a career war veteran and retired car salesman, put a newly bought pistol to his head about 7:58 p.m. in the backyard of the family home across the street from the police headquarters. No suicide note was found. He was born here and attended Nashville School, Henderson State and the University of Arkansas. He was a veteran of the Korean War.