Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


121 years ago:  1898

A foot bridge has been built across Mine Creek, which will prove quite a convenience to our people.

The editor of the News acknowledges the honor of a pleasant serenade Saturday night by the Nashville Quartet, Tom Meadors, Dave Bryant, August Clark, and Percy Millwee.  Come again Boys.

Mr. John Delany died near Barker Sunday night and was buried Monday.  He was a widower and had $2,000 in life insurance.

(Adv.) Fits stopped free and permanently cured.  No fits after first day’s use of Doctor Kline’s great nerve restorer. Free a $2.00 trial bottle

Old Howard County Courthouse demolished by ball and hammer, 1976


99 years ago: 1920

Determination of the government to carry on to the finish its fight to rid the nation of Communist-Labor Party members, more than 2,500 of whom now await deportation proceedings as a result of the recent nationwide raids, was seen in the request transmitted today by the Department of Labor to Congress for new appropriations totaling $1,150,000 to be used in the enforcement of laws against radicals and further deportations.

Notice: All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to me will please see me at the American Variety Store or Will Young at Forgy and settle at once.  A.L. Burgress

(Adv.) For sale or trade 5 passenger Chevrolet car, 1919 model.  J. G. Sain


65 years ago: 1954

Fred Holt, 63-year-old veteran woodsman, suffered painful cuts about the face Wednesday when he was struck by a flying ax in the Couch Valley area near Daisy. Holt, whose home is at Bingen, was cut about the right side of his face; the right eye barely escaped injury. 

Twenty-seven stiches were required to close the wound at Memorial Hospital. The wounded man was cutting timber for the Murfreesboro Lumber Company with a crew under foreman Delbert Smith.

Former President Harry S. Truman has accepted an invitation to speak on the campus of the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville sometime this next fall.

P. A. Hooker, former resident of Nashville and now head of the voice department at the Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene, Texas, recently made a long-playing record of gospel songs which has been released by the Century Record Company of Burbank, California.


43 years ago:  1976

Twenty-four students from Ozan attending the Nashville Schools must return to classes at Washington. The Department of Health, Education and Welfare is requiring that the students, all white, return to the Washington School in Hempstead County which is predominantly black. 

The HEW action is following a Title VI ruling from the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits schools from taking students living in one school system to attend school in another system.