Home Breaking News Tech Savvy Parenting conference Jan. 11-13

Tech Savvy Parenting conference Jan. 11-13


The average tween or teen spends between 9-10 hours per day connected to some form of digital media. Many parents have little or no understanding of their children’s digital worlds, much less how to help their pre-teens and teens manage technology usage responsibly. 

On Jan. 11-13, parents and teens are invited to attend a conference at Immanuel Baptist Church in Nashville that will address these issues and many more—Tech Savvy Parenting. 

During this weekend, author and speaker Brian Housman of 360 Family will guide parents on a highly visual, fast-paced journey into the effects that sexting and texting, video game violence and cyberbullying, social media, and digital pornography are having on today’s children and teens. 

Housman will also provide tips and action steps to help families manage technology usage and navigate the digital world in a safe, responsible manner.

The conference will begin on Friday evening, Jan. 11, at Immanuel Baptist Church with dinner at 5:30 p.m. followed by a session for teens, “My Wired Life.”

Breakfast on Saturday morning, Jan. 12, will be followed by two adult sessions and a lunchtime Q&A with Housman. 

The evening session will bring parents and teens together to address practical issues for family technology usage. 

The conference will conclude with a final family session on Sunday morning, Jan. 13.

The cost for the Tech Savvy Parenting conference is $15 per person, which covers all conference sessions as well as Friday evening dinner and breakfast and lunch on Saturday.  For more information or to register, visit www.myimmanuel.com and click the Tech Savvy Parenting icon.