Home Breaking News Murfreesboro, Pike County to begin 2020 Census Training

Murfreesboro, Pike County to begin 2020 Census Training


MURFREESBORO — Training to help form a Complete Count Committee to partner with the U.S. Census Bureau will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 30 at the Municipal Building, 204 East Main Street in Murfreesboro from 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

According to information from the 2020 U.S. Census “the overall purpose of this training is to help your municipality set up and manage an effective Complete Count Committee (CCC) that promotes and facilitates participation in the 2020 Census process from start to finish … and achieving a successful 2020 Census.”

Training will feature strategies and techniques to better prepare CCC’s by “empowering them to develop and implement plans that ultimately increase self-response from previous decennials, especially among those groups less likely to participate.” Also featured will be templates, tools and best practices to encourage CCC’s to employ “community resources that help increase public awareness importance, and safety of the 2020 Census.”

Other topics of discussion will include:
• Information/updates on census operations
• recruitment/jobs
• timeline milestones to complement/coincide with Census Bureau activities

Anyone across Pike County and the surrounding area, especially those in leadership positions, are invited to attend the important event.