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The Early Files: A Look into the Past


Sometime between Saturday and Monday morning, some person or persons went to the music room of Mrs. F. F. Old at the high school building and broke the door open after which they tore the curtains from the windows and taking the cover off the piano made a bed of them.  They also used the water bucket for a cuspidor and in many other ways made the room resemble a hog pen.

(Adv.) The News has for sale some pieces of music by home talent Mrs. S. T. Griggs of Buck Range. The ladies are invited to call and inspect it.

Notice: No more blank cartridges, pistols, fire crackers, roman candles, sky rockets or other fireworks will be allowed to be used inside of the incorporated limits of the town of Nashville, Arkansas between the streets running east and west from the Methodist Church on the north to Duncan’s Stable on the south and from Washington Street on the east to Second Street on the west. Camp C. Cowling, Mayor


Christmas in Nashville,

99 years ago: 1919

Aldwin Sain, son of Judge and Mrs. J. G. Sain, broke both bones in his right arm last Tuesday, when he attempted to crank an automobile engine which kicked. His arm was set quickly and he is doing well at present.

The regular show will be had at the Princess Theatre Saturday night before the Lyceum number is given.  Those not wishing to attend the Lyceum number should be in the house at 7:00 when the show will began.

(Adv.) $100 cash buys good John Deere buggy, set of double harness, practically new and 25 bales of good Bermuda hay. H. W. Ferguson


65 years ago: 1953

A dog slipped into the quail coops owned by a commercial grower Saturday night and destroyed 60 of the birds valued at $90.  Grower Robert Gross, whose home is just northeast of Nashville on the Murfreesboro Highway, said he found the dead quail Sunday morning when he went out to feed his flock of six hundred. “The dog apparently scratched his way under the six foot fence and then got on top of a coop and tore it loose.  He did not eat many of the quail,“said Gross.  He had shipped 350 birds Wednesday and had on hand 160 as breeder stock for the year of 1954.

Childress School dedicated its new Elementary building here with a formal program Sunday, December 13 beginning at 1:30 p.m. Sunday’s program  featured a dedication address by Attorney Bobby Steel.

(Adv.) Elberta Theatre, Thursday and Friday, Bud Abbott and Lew Costello in “Jekyll and Hyde” with Boris Karloff.


43 years ago: 1975

Four Howard County sites have been nominated as historic places and may be placed on the Historic Register according to a news release from the Arkansas Preservation Committee in Little Rock. The four sites include the Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Ebenezer Campground and the Adam Boyd House in Center Point and the Russey Murray House between Nashville and Center Point.

Conrad Bagley, a popular sheriff for the past five years, will wear his cowboy hat next year.  He does not plan to make the traditional toss of Stetson into the political arena. His plan to retire from office has become known recently. At least three persons have stepped up to succeed him as sheriff and collector.  The three are Dick Wakefield, Mac Reynolds and Albert Sanders.