Home Breaking News Man on mission for diabetes crosses through southwest Arkansas

Man on mission for diabetes crosses through southwest Arkansas

News-Leader photo/COURTESY OF ERIK BENDL STOP IN HOWARD COUNTY. Erik Bendl of Louisville, Ky., poses with Pastor Shaun Collins during a stop Sunday. Bendl, with a large globe, treks around the country to raise awareness of diabetes.

By Louie Graves

News-Leader staff

He has lugged the large thick rubber globe thousands and thousands of miles, Erik Bendl says of his gimmick to draw attention to diabetes.

Bendl crossed through Nashville, Sunday, getting a couple of meals, speaking to a church congregation, and finding a courtesy motel room before setting out again for Dallas.

Bendl says: “Keep your parts moving in order to keep your moving parts.” That’s just one of the wisdoms he shares about the dangers of diabetes.

He settled upon walking with the world globe as a gimmick years ago, and he has already worn out one globe. He keeps the globe tethered to his well-worn walking stick.

With little prompting he will relate the walking trips he and his globe have made. The current one is from Little Rock to Dallas, with at least stopovers in Hot Springs and Nashville. He had already made one from his hometown of Louisville, Ky., to Little Rock, but there are 17 other long walking treks he has made, mostly in mid-America.

For more information about Bendl and diabetes, he suggests checking with his Facebook page.

There’s a place there for donations, or he also suggests donations go to the Diabetes Association.