Home Breaking News Free beekeeping class starts Oct. 22

Free beekeeping class starts Oct. 22


Southwest Arkansas Beekeepers Association and Texarkana Beekeepers Association are co-sponsoring a free nine-hour classroom course on beekeeping.

The class will be three consecutive Monday evenings beginning Oct. 22 at Hempstead Hall in Hope, from 6-9 p.m. Other course dates include Oct. 29 and Nov. 5.

Local beekeepers recognize this course as the best classroom training on beekeeping available in Arkansas, so those interested in learning to keep bees are encouraged to attend this free training. The class is also a good review for experienced beekeepers, so those already involved in beekeeping should plan to attend.

There will be information about local beekeeping associations and area beekeeping activities available at the training.

Although the class is free, attendees must preregister to attend. Call the Hempstead County Cooperative Extension to register at (870) 777-5771.