Home Early Files The Early Files: A Look into the Past

The Early Files: A Look into the Past


118 years ago:  1900

A new edition of the Bible is to be published shortly by Rev. A.M. Rihbang of Morenci, Mich., formerly minster of the Congregational Church.

Rev. Rihbang denies the divinity of Christ and believes that a revised edition of the Bible is needed.  In an editorial the minister describes his position very thoroughly.

The new Bible will be used in his church and Sunday School when it is completed.

We met Col. J. A. Williamson of Columbus yesterday, who was here on his way home from Baker Springs. 

The Colonel commanded an Arkansas regiment of which Mr. J.M. Benefield was captain of one of the companies. The meeting after 33 years was an agreeable surprise to both. Col. Williamson lost a leg in Resacca, Georgia in 1864. He is now engaged in law practice and farming and is a leading citizen of his county.

(Adv.)  Strayed one red muley heifer, one year old, marked crop and two splits in right, crop and one split in left.

Liberal reward for same or information. W.  K.  Cowling, Nashville

Dr. W.H. Toland, circa 1900


100 years ago:  1918

Harrison Clardy, a young Negro, whose home is near Centre Point, was almost instantly killed yesterday afternoon about 5 o’clock when a gun in the hands of Emmett Adamson another Negro whose home is near Centre Point was discharged.  The bullet from the gun entered Clardy’s face tearing out one side of his head.  Adamson claims the shooting was an accident.  He is being held in jail here awaiting preliminary trial. Clardy’s remains have been carried to Centre Point where burial will be had this afternoon.

(Adv.)  Syrup cans or just plain molasses buckets, will swap for good sorghum, Custer’s, Centre Point, Arkansas


65 years ago:  1953

Rigs probing the area’s depths for oil have found nothing but an error in geological calculations and a water well, no black gold. The story appeared identical in all three wildcats, despite the fact they probed different depths. As of Wednesday only one of the three wells in the area was still being drilled to a greater depth.

   In Howard County near Nathan, the Luther Westfall #1 was cased, cemented and stopped at approximately 305 feet. Driller Ed Tuggle, said he might be ordered out although it was possible that a larger rig might come in and dig deeper.  Tuggle said it appeared Luther Westfall had a fine supply of water if arrangements were made to leave the well open.

(Adv.)  Howard auto Theatre, Friday and Saturday, “The Great Missouri Raid” with Wendell Corey and MacDonald Carey


43 years ago:  1975

Happy sounds off the midway were mingled Wednesday with the bawling of livestock, the sound of hammers at booths and other noises from the County Fair.

Howard County’s annual fair officially opens Wednesday for a four day showing of prized domestic and farm products brightened by the sounds of the Carnival’s midway.

An added day Saturday is scheduled for this fall and extra premium money is offered to farm youths for calves to exhibit.