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Early Files: A Look into the Past


118 years ago:  1900

Uncle Ben Roberson, who was perhaps the oldest man in Howard County, died Thursday and his body was laid away yesterday to await the summons to the long roll call. A biographical  sketch of his life would be most interesting especially to those past middle life. We do not know Uncle Ben’s age but understand that he was somewhere near 90. He came to this country in the late 1840’s and has lived near Nashville since that time.

David L. Hall of Saratoga, Arkansas is the author of a new comical song entitled “Old, Poor Ragged Fool.”  This song will be printed in Chicago by Pettibone, Sawtell & Company Printers and Engravers. The song will give the picture of the Fool dressed out in his rags and will be ready for sell by September 15th

(Adv.) Dr. Moffett’s Teethin (teething powder).  Regulates the bowels and strengthens the child. Cost only 25 cents at Druggist


100 years ago:  1918

Confederate pensioners will this year receive the full allowance of $100.  The auditor’s office started mailing the vouchers yesterday and they will soon be ready for distribution in the various counties.  There are 177 pensioners in Howard County this year

Victory calls for over 2 million fighting men to crush the German Barbarians to end the war and establish peace and to save and perpetuate civilization. These 2 million soldiers of liberty must be selected from the 13 million of us who are between the ages of 18 and 45.  You should register and begin to think about it now. Don’t forget the date, September 12th. Don’t let the word “slacker” be spoken or be written about you. Do your duty. Ferguson Brothers Publishing


65 years ago:  1953

A 23-year-old Nashville airman missing in action since a B-29 crashed in Korea last year turned up in Freedom Village. The wife and parents received the news Sunday night. The airman was Fred “Junior” Parker, former employee of Stueart Wholesale Grocery Co. here and a graduate of Dierks High School. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker of near Center Point.   

The wife, Mrs. Della J. Parker, received the news with excitement.  “Oh, my gracious” she told a wire reporter when told a report that Airman Parker had been returned safely to U.N. lines.  She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Edwards, who live six miles west of Nashville on the Lockesburg Highway.

Mr. and Mrs. Parker have a son, who will celebrate his first birthday August 13th.  Airman Parker had never seen his son.

(Adv.) Nashville Auto Theatre, “A Perilous Journey” with Vera Ralston and Scott Brady


43 years ago:  1975

The Eugene Green Family of Route 1, Nashville is Howard County’s 1975 Farm Family of the Year.  Their diversified farm is located approximately 3 miles northwest of Mineral Springs on state highway 355. 

The Green Family consists of Mr. Green, his wife, Linda, daughters Vicki 17, Kathy 14, Jeanie 11, Susan 9 and son Steven 12.

The family’s primary enterprise is a grade A Dairy, but they also carry on a greatly diversified farming operation.  In addition to the dairy operation, they have two 12,500 capacity steel truss broiler houses and produce broilers under a contract with Mountaire Poultry Company. They also have a small herd of beef cattle and 6 brood sows.