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The Early Files: A Look into the Past



116 years ago:  1902

The work of building the scaffold at Centre Point for the execution of Lathe Hembree next Friday is in progress and will probably be finished at noon today.

Sheriff Custer will leave for Little Rock tomorrow and arrive back in Nashville with Hembree on the noon train Thursday. Hembree will be brought to Centre Point Thursday night and guarded until the hour of execution Friday, which will probably be about 10 o’clock.

Westbrooks Hotel Dierks circa 1950

The work of erecting the gallows at Washington for the execution of Dee Nolin and Tom Sims, the two Negro murderers, was begun Monday, and will be ready for the double hanging Friday. The exact hour of the execution has not been announced.


100 years ago:  1918

The Home Guard had a very fine encampment at Dixon’s Ford on Little Missouri River last Saturday night and Sunday, the camp being established Saturday afternoon. Capt. Jas. I. Latimer, Lieut. C. W. Baughman and Lieut. R. R. Hicks were all with the company and all took active parts in the various maneuvers.

The field kitchen under the supervision of Mess Sgt. Tony Bourland was the center of attraction at the camp and some of the best meals ever eaten by any of the men were served by him.

Saturday evening at 7:30 a strong guard was placed over the camp and maintained skirmishes which were had at different times during the night between the outpost and imaginary enemy spies.


65 years ago:  1953

Mineral Springs School District is applying for a $10,000 loan from the state’s Revolving Loan Fund, the sum to be used in building an annex to the present gymnasium. 

Members of the board include, Phil Graves president, Thomas Bridgeman, secretary, R. M. Bell and R. F. Young

John Mason Andres, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Andres of Nashville, has been accepted into the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. Andres joins the plebe class.  He left June 21 for Annapolis. As a member of the plebe class he will drill and learn military routine until classes begin in September.

Andres is a graduate of the 1952 class at Nashville High School and was a member of the Scrapper football team. He received his appointment last year from Congressman Boyd Tackett and then passed his mental and physical examinations for entry into the academy.


43 years ago: 1975

“Operation New Life” sponsored by the Nashville Jaycettes, will continue next weekend as members of the club collect clothing for the Vietnam refugees at Ft. Chaffee.

The Fair Building will open Saturday at 9 a.m. and close at 2 p.m. Jaycettes will sort the clothing for distribution to Ft. Chaffee.

Approximately $1,200 was stolen from a Nashville resident’s home sometime Tuesday afternoon, according to Police Chief Travis Hughes. The money was taken from the residence of Joe Orsburn, owner of Joe’s Market.