Home Breaking News Nashville police chief to retire Jan. 1, 2019

Nashville police chief to retire Jan. 1, 2019

News-Leader photo/LOUIE GRAVES THANKS, CHIEF. After Monday night’s city council meeting when Police Chief Dale Pierce submitted his letter of resignation, council member Kay Gathright was one of the aldermen who thanked him for his service following the meeting.

By Louie Graves

News-Leader staff

Nashville’s police chief for the past 10 years submitted his resignation, Monday night during the August meeting of the Nashville City Council, and he closed his letter by saying, “Gone fishing.”

Dale Pierce spent 10 of his 35 years of law enforcement as head of the Nashville Police Department. He succeeded Chief Larry Yates for whom he worked as a narcotics investigator.

Mayor Billy Ray Jones read Chief Pierce’s letter, and commented that he had done much to war upon drugs in the community.

The mayor said he thought that should continue to be a top priority. “He did Nashville a really big service.”

In his letter, Chief Pierce thanked the council, and his fellow officers.

His resignation is effective Jan. 1, 2019. The mayor set out a timeline to invite applicants, select finalists and interview them in time for a council vote in November.

In other action, the council voted unanimously to name the footbridge on Mt. Pleasant Drive near Wilson Park after a long-dead couple who operated a tiny neighborhood store at that site. The bridge will be named the Elmer and Clara Davis Memorial Bridge.

The motion to name the bridge was by Alderman Matt Smith.

The council heard brief reports from Public Works Director Larry Dunaway, Parks and Recreation Director Mark Dale, and Financial Director Kimberly Green.

Present for the meeting were council members Mike Milum, Carol Mitchell, Kay Gathright, Jimmie Lou Kirkpatrick, Vivian Wright, Monica Clark, Nick Davis, Donna Harwell, Joe Hoen and Matt Smith. Also, Mayor Jones, City Attorney Aaron Brasel and City Recorder Mary Woodruff.