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Early Files: A Look into the Past


118 years ago: 1900

The contract for the building of the new Methodist Church has been let to Mr. J.E. Kirk and the building is to be completed by November 15th next. The lumber is being sawed and work will begin as soon as the brick for the foundation can be burned.

The building when completed and seated will cost $2,000 and will seat comfortably 210 persons and 300 can be seated when the occasion demands.

Notice: Please don’t console yourself by saying what I owe the Star Grocery don’t amount to much, because three or four hundred small accounts make one large account and I must pay my dues. Respectfully, John F. Reese


Ruth Marie Dildy and Dr. Ruth Polk Patternon, author of The Seed of Sally Good’n.

100 years ago: 1918

An abandoned “wild cat” distillery was captured last Sunday seven miles southwest of Dierks on a farm belonging to a Mr. Priest.  Marshal C.C. Still of Dierks being the finder.

The still was of 50-gallon capacity, and was complete. It was taken to Dierks by Marshal Still.

The first bale of the 1918 crop of cotton was brought to this city Thursday by P.H. Hinton of Highland. Some years ago a bale was brought in on August 12 that being the only time on record that the first bale was harvested earlier than this one.

(Adv.) “The Kaiser-The Beast of Berlin” is now playing at the Princess tonight.


65 years ago: 1953

The drilling rig for the L.A. Westfall No.1 passed through Nashville Sunday en route to the well site in the Muddy Fork region.  Drilling is expected to begin Tuesday or Wednesday.

David and Anita Perks are celebrating the first anniversary of Perky’s Grocery and Market in Mineral Springs. David is the butcher while Anita minds the front.

(Adv.) Let’s Dance, The Rhythmaires – Nashville’s own dance orchestra – will play for an informal dance at the American Legion Hut, Friday night, 9 until 1 o’clock.  Couples $1.50, Stags $1.00


43 years ago: 1975

A Joplin, Mo., man found a 6 carat, 73 point diamond Monday afternoon, the largest diamond found at the Crater of Diamonds State Park since the park was created March 15, 1972.

Eight girls from Nashville were among 129 who attended one of the summer basketball camps at the University of Arkansas at Monticello.

They were Glenda Spears, Mary Butler, Leota Reese, Sue Ellis, Becky Jamison, Cherre Click, Kim Horn and Gaile Sharp.

Mrs. Vada C. Piggee, a native of Lockesburg has retired after 40 years of active service in the teaching profession.

She retired in 1968 after 35 years of teaching experience in Howard, Hempstead and Sevier counties to open a nursery and day care center in Nashville, which she owned and operated for five years.

Mrs. Piggee is a graduate of Philander Smith College.  She did advanced study at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville and Henderson State University in Arkadelphia.