Howard County Children’s Center ‘radiothon’ May 9


    Work is underway on the annual radiothon benefitting the Howard County Children’s Center, and there are some changes in the format for 2018.

    The event will be Wednesday, May 9. One of the changes will be the time — it will begin and end earlier, 5 and 8 p.m.

    Another change is the site. Last year the radiothon was held in the atrium of UA Cossatot in Nashville. This year the fund-raiser will be held in the all-purpose room at the children’s center.

    The event is sponsored by the Nashville Rotary Club, and two club members will serve as masters of ceremonies: Loren Hinton is head of the broadcast program at UA-Cossatot, and Donny Woods is a member of the HCCC board of directors.

    HCCC administrator Tim Freel said that a high percentage of pledges is actually received each year. Last year there were pledges of slightly more than $56,500 and a total of almost $56,000 was received. “There was only about a $500 difference,” Freel said.

    Assistant administrator Rose Ray presided over the 2018 radiothon’s first planning meeting Friday, April 6.

    The three-hour program will include a welcome by Rotary Club president Carol Murray and Nashville Mayor Billy Ray Jones; interviews with parents of children in the Rainbow Learning Center; interviews with speech and physical therapists; talent numbers from clients; and program descriptions by department heads.

    A large part of the program will be about the soon-to-open new facility for the Rainbow Learning Center and for physical therapy equipment for clients.

    The 21st HCCC Radiothon will be broadcast live over ED88-FM, the college radio station; and will be livestreamed on the Facebook pages of ED88 and of the Howard County Children’s Center.