Home Breaking News Caddo Hills Beta Club members qualify for national competition

Caddo Hills Beta Club members qualify for national competition

The defending national champion Caddo Hills Senior Beta Club robotics team won this year’s state competition and will move on to defend their national title in June. They are among 10 Caddo Hills students who qualified for the national competitions to be held in Savannah, Georgia. Pictured left to right: Colton Cowart, Daniel Baker, Hunter Blackwood and Chandler West. Submitted Photo

Caddo Hills Senior Beta Club made themselves known during this year’s state Beta Club Convention with 10 students qualify to compete at the National Beta Club Convention this June.
The Senior Beta Club took 39 students to the state convention held the last week of January in Hot Springs. Students competed in the quiz bowl competition, as well as academic competitions. Categories included English, art, math, science, creative writing, and social studies.
Members also competed in living literature, Beta Build, scrapbook, banner, advertising design, artist showcase, robotics and technology. Caddo Hills student Jorge Lopez also ran for State Beta President.
Those qualifying for the national competition include the defending national champion robotics team consisting of Daniel Baker, Hunter Blackwood, Colton Cowart and Chandler West. They won the state competition and will advance to defend their national title this June.
The technology team consisting of Colton Cowart, Lilli Hunt, Alex Jackson and Jorge Lopez also won their state competition, thus qualifying for the national competition.
Caddo Hills Senior Beta Club members also revealed their creative side with three students qualifying for nationals in the artist showcase. Gracie Wisener won state in the mixed media division. Ashton Young won state in the woodworking division and Kaitlyn Gooden qualified in both recycled art and home-made jewelry with second place finishes in both categories.
These students will travel to Savannah, Georgia in June to compete in the national competitions in each respective category.

The Technology Team pictured left to right: Jorge Lopez, Colton Cowart, Alex Jackson and Lilli Hunt.
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Gracie Wisener won first place in the state mixed media competition.
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Ashton Young won the woodworking division.
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Kaitlyn Gooden finished runner-up in recycled art and home-made jewelry, qualifying for nationals in both categories.
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