Home Breaking News Husqvarna’s Blessing Box – ‘Take what you need — Leave what you...

Husqvarna’s Blessing Box – ‘Take what you need — Leave what you can’

The box and some of the project organizers -- from left, Keith Young, Belinda Broyles, Kristie Skinner, Ammi Perez, Tina McBay, Rex Icenhower, Mindy Bowman and L.A. King.

A friendly competition between groups of Husqvarna employees filled the Blessing Box for the first time, months ago in late summer.

The “box” is kept full of useful items — non-perishable food, hygiene and baby products, bottled water, etc. — and persons in need of the items are invited to go to the box, 24-hours a day, to take what they need.

“Take what you need — Leave what you can.”

It is not a project just for Husqvarna employees, the box organizers insist, and they repeat their hopes that the community will use the box both to make withdrawals and to deposit items. The box itself was built by Husqvarna employees.

Two employees who were organizers of the project, talked about the Blessing Box, last Thursday.

Ammi Perez said that the greatest demands upon the box as a source was on weekends.

Tina McBay emphasized that the box was not just a project to assist Husqvarna employees, but was for the whole community.

The box is a two-door, glass-fronted construction almost in the curve of South Fourth Street at the original chainsaw plant in Nashville. It is beside an exit from the parking lot and it is accessible both from a sidewalk and from the plant parking lot.

A project pamphlet notes that the box is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, “Because if you have a need it cannot always wait.”

The idea originally came from Husqvarna employees wanting to do something for the community.

They approached management and got wholehearted endorsement.

The box is supplied with a little company help, but mostly items come from employees and members of the community who are invited to drop off items at the box.

If the box is full, donations may be left at the security guard shack located at the back of the parking lot.

McBay said that more dropoff locations may be recruited in town to make it easier for citizens to support the project.

This week, dropoff boxes were placed at Cash Savers food store in Nashville, and at Dollar General stores in Nashville and Mineral Springs.

Perez said that the project was catching on with the public.

It’s just a good gesture between the community, and an industry and its employees.