Business leaders work with Nashville students on interview skills

    Julie Rhodes (upper right) of the University of Arkansas Cossatot works students in the Nashville High School Social Media class during an interviewing session which ended the fall semester last week. Students were placed into groups of three and rotated among representatives of local businesses, industries and other entities. They worked on interviews and heard tips from the community guests.

    Representatives of local businesses and industries worked with the Social Media class at Nashville High School last week to help students prepare for and participate in interviews.

    Students developed social media campaigns for the businesses. “They worked one-on-one with people in the community,” teacher Terri McJunkins said. “They went through the interview process” and participated in interviews at the end of the fall semester.

    Those conducting the interviews included Kristie Skinner of Husqvarna, Jonathan Turner, Tyson of Nashville; Logan Webster of Tyson Foods via Zoom teleconference; Julie Rhodes, University of Arkansas Cossatot; Gail Hearnsberger, Trendsetters; and Tate Gordon and Patricia Stinson of NHS.

    Students were placed into groups of three and rotated among the different firms, spending 10 minutes with each person.

    The top seven students included Alyssa Rather, Rykia Swift, Shun Childress, Leslie Lingo, Hunter Burton, Shayla Miller and Olivia Herzog.

    The spring semester class will undergo a similar process.

    The annual FBLA scholarship will be presented to the overall winner.