Democrats to conduct Westbrook Dinner


    The Democratic Party of Howard County will sponsor the annual Parker Westbrook Dinner Saturday, Oct. 7, at 6:30 p.m. in the Nashville Elementary School cafeteria. Tickets are $25. The dinner menu will include roast beef and ham.

    John Brummett, political columnist for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, will be the speaker. Brummett has been involved in Arkansas journalism since his high school days when he covered sports for the Arkansas Democrat.

    He wrote for the Arkansas Gazette and Arkansas Times before joining the Democrat-Gazette.

    Sen. Larry Teague of Nashville will be the master of ceremonies.

    The event will include the presentation of the Parker Westbrook Award. This year’s recipient will be former Sen. Neely Cassady of Nashville.

    Cassady has been active in the Arkansas poultry industry and in Arkansas politics for several decades.

    Rev. Willie Benson Jr. was the 2016 recipient of the Parker Westbrook Award.

    For more information or for tickets, contact LaJeana Jones at 870-584-7811, Connie Castleberry at 870-451-3693, or Tammy Copeland at 870-557-3012.