By Louie Graves
News-Leader staff
More than 100 students, parents and supporters of UA-Cossatot shared a lavish barbecue lunch and applauded the school’s most recent scholarship winners Friday, Sept. 1.
The event was the scholarship appreciation luncheon, held in air-conditioned comfort on the playing floor of the restored Lockesburg High School gymnasium. The college has restored the building and has plans to use it for other similar school and community events.
In addition to the cited students, the audience included four members of the UA-Cossatot board, mayors of Lockesburg and De Queen, the Howard County Judge, a state representative and several college officials.
Dustin Roberts, director of the UA-C Foundation was master of ceremonies, and he shared the microphone with Chancellor Steve Cole.
During the luncheon, pictures and bio information about the students played across a screen set up in the stands of the gym. And afterward, the students gathered under a goal for a group picture.
Chancellor Cole talked briefly about the facility which was built in 1952 and was closed in 2010. He said that since its restoration and recent dedication, the facility had been used at least once a week for school and community events.
The chancellor also bragged on the college, saying that that UA-Cossatot ranked third in Arkansas in its graduation rate. “We’re doing a lot of good things,” he said.
Students visited every table, thanking scholarship supporters. The chancellor also noted three Student Ambassadors who were helping with serving of food and welcoming visitors.