Home Breaking News Nashville seniors last first day of school

Nashville seniors last first day of school

Members of the Nashville High School class of 2018 gathered in the Family Activities Building of First Baptist Church Monday morning for the traditional senior breakfast on the first day of school. Superintendent Doug Graham said Monday's attendance in the Nashville district was 1,946 students. "All principals reported good days at their buildings," Graham said. "I'm not sure it could have been any smoother. We will balance lunch periods and adjust a few schedules, and we should be set for the fall semester. Rain plus the first day of school resulted in heavy traffic, but we're expecting traffic to taper off by Wednesday."

Members of the Nashville High School class of 2018 gathered in the Family Activities Building of First Baptist Church Monday morning for the traditional senior breakfast on the first day of school. Superintendent Doug Graham said Monday’s attendance in the Nashville district was 1,946 students. “All principals reported good days at their buildings,” Graham said. “I’m not sure it could have been any smoother. We will balance lunch periods and adjust a few schedules, and we should be set for the fall semester. Rain plus the first day of school resulted in heavy traffic, but we’re expecting traffic to taper off by Wednesday.”