Home Breaking News Howard County Fair to begin next week

Howard County Fair to begin next week


By Louie Graves
News-Leader staff

There will be no carnival for the 2017 Howard County Fair, but doors will open for overflowing exhibit buildings on Tuesday, Sept. 5.

Exhibitors will bring their entries to the buildings for judging on Tuesday, Sept. 5, and Wednesday, Sept. 6; and following the conclusion of judging, the exhibit building will be open to the public on Wednesday at 1 p.m.

Senior Citizens Day will be Thursday, Sept. 7.

During the week, the fair kitchen will be open serving food. Proceeds from the kitchen go for the upkeep and improvements of fair facilities.

Proceeds are also used to encourage 4-H and FFA programs.

Livestock events will conclude with the Junior Livestock Sale on Saturday at 9 a.m. At noon there will be a luncheon for junior livestock exhibitors and auction buyers.

Exhibits will be removed on Sunday, and winners may pick up premium checks.

The county fairgrounds are located west of Nashville on Hwy. 278.

County fair board members include: Randy Thompson, president; Deb Kreul, vice-president; Linda Kitchens, secretary; Bill Bean, treasurer; board members Diane Gunter, Michael Sullivan, Mark Kitchens, Stacy Janes and Justin Allen.

Youth Talent Show

The Howard County Fair Youth Talent Show will be held Tuesday, Sept. 5 at 6 p.m. at the Nashville Elementary School Auditorium.

The deadline to enter is at 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 31.


Primary – ages 3-6; Junior – 7-10; Intermediate – 11-15; Seniors – 16–20. The entry fee is $10.

Awards for each division are trophies for first, second and third place winners.

All participants will receive a ribbon. The overall winner will advance to the Southwest District Fair in Hope and to the Arkansas State Fair in Little Rock.  The overall winner must be at least 10 years of age.  Previous overall winners will not be able to compete unless they advance to another age division.