Home Breaking News Soccer makes its debut at Scrapper Stadium

Soccer makes its debut at Scrapper Stadium

Steven Marrufo (7) and Joel Betancourt (3) pursue the ball for the Scrappers during Nashville's 75 overtime victory over Mena Friday at Scrapper Stadium.

Scrapper, Scrapperette soccer teams hit the turf at Scrapper Stadium for the first time ever!

News-Leader photos / JOHN R. SCHIRMER

Mackenzie Brown moves the ball for Nashville.
The ball lands on Scrapperette Maria Romero’s head during the Mena game March 31.
Ty Coulter (12) and teammates close in on the Mena Bearcat Friday at Scrapper Stadium.
Kimberly Perez (15) goes for the ball against Mena in Nashville’s 3-2 loss Friday.
Erika Bretado (second from left) kicks the first Nashville score ever at Scrapper Stadium.
Francisco Dorantes (2) eludes the Mena Bearcat as he advances the ball Friday in the first night of high school soccer at Scrapper Stadium.
Goalie Cristian Pioquinto defends the south endzone in Nashville’s OT win over Mena Friday.
Laisa Ramirez (left) tries to keep the Lady Bearcat from kicking the ball Friday in the first high school soccer match every played at Scrapper Stadium.
The ball makes its way between Mireya Rodriguez (left) and Jessica Aguilar (right) March 31 at Scrapper Stadium.