Home Opinion Mine Creek Revelations by Louie Graves: Awards deserved

Mine Creek Revelations by Louie Graves: Awards deserved


ADD OUR congratulations to the citizenship winners at last night’s annual Nashville Chamber of Commerce banquet.
Man of the Year — John R. Schirmer, Nashville News-Leader editor and co-publisher.
Woman of the Year — Gail Harris Hearnsberger, owner of Trendsetters.
Orange & Black Education Award — Stacia Petty, music teacher K-3.
If we could print an 80-page newspaper we MIGHT be able to repeat the glowing remarks made about all of our award winners by the presenters, Monday night. Let me just say our community is enriched by their contributions.
Thanks to those who serve selflessly on the chamber board.


SPORTSMANSHIP. You’ve got to be a good loser as well as a good winner.
Take the most recent Super Bowl. A zoo in Atlanta, Ga., home of the Atlanta Falcons, and a zoo in Rhode Island, which is located in New England, home of the NE Patriots, made a friendly wager.
The loser would name a baby animal after the quarterback of the winning team.
Of course, the game featured the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history when QB Tom Brady and his New England Patriots roared back to defeat QB Matt Ryan and his Atlanta Falcons (sob).
So, last week, the Atlanta Zoo made good on its wager. It named a brand new zoo baby after the winning NE quarterback.
The new zoo baby is a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach. Welcome to the zoo, Tom Brady.
Hsssssssssss. What a clever way to pay off a debt and insult an enemy at the same time!
I have a rat living in the shrubs behind my house. I’ve named it Nick Saban.


BEGINNING TO GET WORRIED about this whole Comrade President Trump and Russia thing. The more he shouts “lying media” the worrieder I get. Many of my friends believe everything the President says, and that’s okay IF they maintain some small space between their ears for skepticism. Because — and I don’t want anyone to get mad here — it’s just possible that President Trump might be wrong about something, sometime. It’s possible.
It’s also possible that the lying media might tell the truth, sometimes. It’s possible.
An editorial this week in the ‘Texarkana Gazette’ said that the civility which formerly existed between the people and their President began to deteriorate during the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson. The editorial suggested that growing disagreement over the war in Vietnam and the advent of very aggressive television and print news media evolved into the very un-civil political climate of today.
Here are my own suggestions for folks on either side who are skittish of ‘fake news’ and lying media.
Don’t get your news only from programs with panels of experts. Any network. Don’t get your news only from Internet sites or network programs which seem to always be on only one side of everything, even if it’s ‘your’ side. These people have a vested interest in keeping your blood boiling, and they know which buttons to push.
You can generally trust established mainstream media organizations which tell you their sources and check their facts.
Let me plead with you not to ‘forward’ some of the crazier ‘news’ reports. There are actually some people out there who will believe anything.
Finally, read. Read Associated Press in daily newspapers.


THERE IS A CONNECTION. Upon considering the offer — accepted — from Diamond Bank to the city of Mineral Springs for moving the police station to an office in the bank building I remembered …..
The bank was once in a mid-town location and was originally called the Mineral Springs Tellers Window of Pike County Bank.
Then, Pike County Bank became Diamond State Bank which became Diamond Bank.
I thought fondly of the gent who is most connected to the MS Tellers Window in my memory, Mr. Charles Darnall.
At a city council session last week, Mayor Bobby Tullis said that Mineral Springs is showing other signs of vitality. School construction and improvement. Several homes have been fixed up and are providing needed housing in the town.


THE TWINS. Life sometimes seems like a rollercoaster for Ups and Downs.


THINGS I LEARNED from opening email: Half of the people you know are below average.


HE SAID: “Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory.” General of the U.S. Army Douglas MacArthur


SHE SAID: “One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them.” Virginia Woolf, English author
