Home Obituaries Obituary: Sherry Lynn Roberts; Nashville

Obituary: Sherry Lynn Roberts; Nashville


Sherry Lynn Roberts, 53, of Nashville, Ark., passed away on Friday, Jan. 20, 2017 in Texarkana.

She was born on Sept. 28, 1963, in Nashville, Ark., the daughter of the late Ronny and Deronda Copeland Woodruff.

Sherry was a member of the Immanuel Baptist Church in Nashville, and worked for Husqvarna for many years.

Survivors include: two daughters, Shera Leigh Smith and husband Kevin of Mineral Springs, Ark., and Tarren RheaLynn Riley and husband Andrew of Russellville, Ark.; one sister, Kimberly Woodruff of Mineral Springs, Ark.; one brother, Michael Woodruff of Nashville, Ark.; one granddaughter, Kynsleigh Marie Smith of Mineral Springs, Ark.; grand-dogs Dozer and Pumpkin; two special friends, Carol Hutson and Denise Snodgrass; as well as a number of other friends.

Graveside services were 2 p.m., Monday, Jan. 23, 2017 at County Line Cemetery with Rev. Glen Green officiating, under the direction of Latimer Funeral Home in Nashville.

You may send an online sympathy message at www.latimerfuneralhome.com.