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MS teams rebound with wins over Foreman


The Mineral Springs Lady Hornets dropped their game at home against Acorn, 58-20, but rebounded Monday night for a 47-42 win over Foreman. The MS Hornets also dropped their Acorn game, 65-16, and also rebounded for a 79-74 overtime win at Foreman.

Against Foreman, the Lady Hornets were led by Precious Johnson with 21 points followed by Arionna Johnson with 14 and Latavia Cherry and Chyna Newton with six points each.

Score by Quarter

MS 12-4-9-22=47

F 8-14-8-12=42

The Hornets and Gators had to go into overtime to settle on the 79-74 Hornet win Monday.

Fred Robinson led the Hornets with 32 points followed by Darius Turner with 18, Kevonte Esters with nine, Raheem Brown with five, Devin Greenlee with four, Williams Dixon with two and Rayshawn Sanders with one point.

Score by Quarter

MS 21-6-19-18-OT15=79

F 16-18-9-21-OT10-74