Home Opinion Mine Creek Revelations by Louie Graves: Only my way

Mine Creek Revelations by Louie Graves: Only my way


I DON’T HAVE TIME to write a decent column this week.

I’ve got to go out and join the protests!

I’m protesting the results of the latest Razorback game.

We wuz robbed! I expected us to beat LSU Saturday, and I woke up Sunday and found out they had cheated us 38-10.

It’s not fair. It’s not the way it was supposed to be. After all, it was Senior Night and we were playing for the Boot.

Winning the game meant a whole lot to us. A whole, whole lot.

The other team was in those awful yellow and white uniforms. They’re liars and they’re crooked. They should be in jail. Crooked Cajuns!

We needed more time. Our plays weren’t as good as theirs.

I really, really thought we’d win. After all, we’ve done it the last two years.

Everybody told me that we’d win, and now I just want to curl up on the street corner and cry. I’m skipping classes, too.

I’ll pout. I might even march some. And shout slogans.

BY NOW you’ve caught on that I am really writing about the people who are protesting the election of our next President. And I will tell you that I am NOT a fan of the man who won the election.

But … the election is played by certain rules. You go and vote. Your state’s Electoral College votes are given to the candidate which your state supported. That person is the next president. It’s the way we do things in this country.

Be glad that occupation of the White House is decided by ballot, not bullet.

I’ve lost plenty of elections. The best thing to do is to sincerely wish the best for the winner. Try your darndest to link arms with his or her supporters and work for the betterment of our nation. Just watch me — I’m going out to shake hands with a Tea Partyer first thing tomorrow morning. Or sometime soon, maybe.

Don’t pout and cry and protest. Don’t show the world what spoiled whiners you are.

Find you a good candidate for next election. Get behind him or her now, and start working.

I am glad as heck that the Razorbacks DIDN’T have more time.


ANIMAL CRACKERS. I’ve lost my bluejays. I used to have about a dozen of them trained to come to my patio in the morning and dine on raw peanuts (in the shell) which I put on a low table near the shelter of landscaping bushes. But I missed putting the peanuts out a few days last month and it was apparently long enough to break the jays’ habit.

One thing I’ve learned is that peanuts are harvested in October. In late October is when they show up in yellow 5-lb. burlap bags at your grocery store. The store finally runs out of the big bags sometime in the spring.

After the big bags are gone, stores sell peanuts in clear 1-lb. bags. Those peanuts only come salted or roasted, not raw. Also, those peanuts are quite a big larger. The larger peanuts are hard for the bluejays (and cardinals and other birds) to carry off. I don’t think it would be good to give them salted peanuts, anyway.

I am a tightwad, and I balked at paying higher prices for the 1-lb. bags, so I stopped buying them, so I missed putting out peanuts for a few weeks, so I lost my jays.


OUT OF WORK and deservedly so. Anyone who worked with a polling company during the Presidential election campaign. Wonder if any of them are Russian agents?


OUR NEIGHBORS. Voters in Little River County approved sales of wine and beer in convenience stores; voted for medicinal marijuana; and voted against funding the county library.


THAT BIG MOON. Sunday night’s full moon was the brightest in 70 years, according to one journal. The light was almost blindingly white until just before dawn Monday when it turned a lovely orange as it set in the west. At the same time, the sun was coming up red in the east.

Made for quite a sight for pre-dawn walkers.

We won’t see another moon like that again until 2034.

It was extra bright because its orbit brought it very near Earth.


THE TWINS. Last nite I dreamed I had a discussion about long hair with that Old Testament couple, Sampson and Delilah


THINGS I LEARNED FROM opening email: Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?


HE SAID: “Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” William Arthur Ward, inspirational writer


SHE SAID: “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” Oprah Winfrey, entertainer
