By John R. Schirmer
News-Leader staff
Installation of artificial turf at Scrapper Stadium has been completed, and construction of the visitors bleachers is “80 percent done,” Superintendent Doug Graham said Monday afternoon.
“We signed a substantial completion document on the turf. That means we can use it,” Graham said.
All of the field markings have been completed, including the Scrapper Star and soccer markings. The Nashville School Board approved boys and girls soccer programs last week, with competition to begin during the spring semester.
The new bleachers “turned out really well,” Graham said. “There are no bad seats. The first row is up off the ground. Anybody ought to be able to see the competition.”
Siding will be installed once the rest of the work is done, and the ramps and fences will be tied in to the stands.
“The only thing we’re lacking is a small press box,” Graham said. “We’re waiting on Stadium Pros to deliver it. It should be here by the end of August or the first of September.”
The press box will be pre-assembled. “The biggest thing will be getting it up,” Graham said.
The new bleachers “will be easy to add on to. We can add 500-1,000 seats really easily if the need arises. We can put up one more row of support and go up twice as high. It would be a painless expansion if needed.”
Work continues on the band stand, Graham said. “Most of it has been painted. We’ll see a lot of progress now that Doyle Howard Construction can concentrate on the stand” after finishing a drainage project and helping with the visitors side.
The band stand will be covered and will have room for 75 band members.
The school district and the Band Boosters are sharing the construction cost.