Home Breaking News Mine Creek Revelations by Louie Graves: Try New Foods

Mine Creek Revelations by Louie Graves: Try New Foods


I’VE WRITTEN here about the loquat tree in my patio landscaping.

It was planted strictly as an ornamental about 15 years ago. It’s a nice, small tree which sheds large leaves copiously. Birds like to build their nests in it because of the privacy, I suppose. The Mother’s Day Night Tornado of 2015 left it with a decided tilt to the west.

Two years ago I noticed some hanging fruit — a couple of yeller things to be precise — and did a little reading about the loquat. It’s sorta like a lemon tree, and the fruit is supposed to be edible. I didn’t get a chance to eat either of those loquats because one day after I discovered them they were gone.

Then, this year, several of the fruits were spotted hiding among the dark leaves. They looked like small, furry lemons.

A guest on my patio Thursday night was Dr. Luis Barandiaran who said he was familiar with the loquat. He said the fruit was delicious, and he walked over and plucked one. He used his thumbnail to clear a black spot from the skin of the fruit, then he squeezed the fruit until it disgorged a single, dark seed through the open he had made. The seed was about the size of a marble. He tossed away the seed and popped the fruit, whole, into his mouth.

“Delicious,” he pronounced. “Your loquats are very good.”

So, I couldn’t resist trying one. And it was indeed very good. Texture like a soft peach. I cannot describe the taste (and I’m lucky I don’t have to make a living with words). I picked a handful of loquats and offered them to my other guests. They agreed: “Delicious.”

At least the guests who were brave enough to try the loquats agreed they were delicious. A couple of cowards politely, but firmly, declined the opportunity.

Next day I looked at the tree for some loquats to take to my fellow ‘Leader’ employees. But the fruits were all gone. All of ‘em.

The birds sure do appreciate my ornamental loquat tree.

I’m trying to think of some of the things I’ve eaten which I consider to be strange: Snails, sushi, rooster fries (yuck), turtle, barracuda, kimchee (Korean fermented cabbage), alligator, rattlesnake, bear, squid and octopus, and Texas chili without beans.

Most of that stuff was pretty good. Except for the rooster. Yuck.


ART SHOW. Hope you got to see the art exhibited by Nashville students at the swell new NHS gymnasium. I took the tour one day last week and was very lucky in that I walked in the door with Primary School art teacher Mike Eudy and some of his students. I followed them around within earshot.

Perfesser Eudy pointed out details and made comments as their group made its way through the exhibit, so I sorta got a free education.

Plus, near the end of the tour I was given a big peanut butter cookie. I am one of those folks who believe that art and music are real important elements of a good education.

And, I believe that large peanut butter cookies are real important to NHS alums.

Just like I waited too long to pick my loquats, you have waited too long to see the art exhibit. But it was there, and it was real impressive.


ANIMAL CRACKERS. Okay, okay. Maybe I exaggerated just a wee bit last week when I wrote that the Mississippi kite was a buzzard-sized bird.

It’s not that big, and my birder readers are demanding that I make a correction. The bird is really between a small buzzard and a large crow in size. Does that help?

Now, there are several circling the buffet table in my neighborhood. Thankfully they do not have a taste for loquat fruit.

And Louise Fox is surely not far behind. There must be a recorder number of rabbits hopping around in the ‘hood.


CONGRATS AND THANKS. In their food drive last week, local letter carriers gathered up more than 4,000 pounds of food for local food banks.

Also, on May 24, local scouts will be recognized with awards at a Court of Honor. Our local Scouting program is an asset to the community.


THINGS I LEARNED from reading e-mail: Cheerfulness is contagious, but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a ‘carrier.’


HE SAID: “The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” Isaac Asimov, science fiction writer


SHE SAID: “I had many friends to help me to fall; but as to rising again, I was so much left to myself, that I wonder now I was not always on the ground. I praise God for His mercy; for it was He only Who stretched out His hand to me. May He be blessed for ever! Amen.” — St. Teresa of Avila
