Home Early Files Early files for the week of May 16, 2016

Early files for the week of May 16, 2016


124 years ago: 1892
Rev. Spears, a colored devine of Centre Point, recently from Louisiana, was drowned in the Little Missouri River Monday while trying to ford it on horseback. The river was up and parties who were acquainted with the stream warned Spears not to try to ford it, but he paid no attention and rode in. The horse got into deep water at once and Spears was thrown off and sank out of sight. His body has not been recovered yet.
(Adv.) “Mother’s Friend” makes child birth easy, shortens labor, lessens pain. Endorsed by the leading physicians. Sold by all druggists

104 years ago: 1912
The commencement exercises of the Nashville High School will be had next week. Rev. M. K. Irvin, pastor of the Methodist Church, will deliver the commencement sermon Sunday morning at the First Baptist Church. Graduating exercises will be had at the school building next Friday morning.
The graduates will be Misses Ella Williams, Valedictorian Nona Pope, Ruth Price, A. J. Bryant and Salutatorian Dean Gibson.
(Adv.) Barbed wire cuts ragged wounds, collar and harness galls, heal up quickly when Ballard’s Snow Liniment is applied. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle, sold by Hale & Hale

60 years ago: 1956
Army Pvt. Sam Stuart, 22 son of Mr. and Mrs. Worthy Stuart, Ozan, Ark., recently was assigned to the 516th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion at Selfridge Air Force Base, Mich. A file clerk with the battalion’s Headquarters Battery, Stuart entered the Army in January of this year and completed basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
Stuart was graduated from Clow Training School in 1953.
(Adv.) Playing Sunday, Monday & Tuesday at the Elberta Theatre James Dean and Natalie Wood in “Rebel Without a Cause”.

46 years ago: 1970
Lydia Gets a Home. Dierks-On May 8, 1970 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Turner became the proud parents of a ten and a half month old baby girl-Lydia Dean.
Wallace and Lee Ann went to Little Rock to get the baby. Lydia was born June 16, 1969 and has lived in a foster home until now.
The Dierks School faculty gave Lydia a shower Tuesday night at the Home Ec. Cottage. She received many nice gifts including a sand box, wagon, tricycle, swimming pool and many clothes and shoes.
Mrs. Turner is the elementary art and remedial reading teacher. Since the arrival of Lydia, Mrs. Turner plans to devote all her time to being a full time housewife and mother, therefore she is not returning to teach next year.
Her husband runs Wallace’s Grocery in Dierks.