Early files for the week of May 7, 2016
124 years ago: 1892
After the storm Tuesday afternoon, a number of school girls concluded to go down to the creek to see how high the water had risen. Several of the girls stepped on a foot log crossing, but only two, Cora Wheat and Mattie Alexander were venturesome enough to cross. Their companions begged and entreated them not to try it, but laughing in the face of danger the two girls adhered to their purpose and succeeded in reaching the opposite bank in safety. But they had to return and it was in so doing that the mis-step was taken. “Come on” called the girls on the opposite bank as the two started across. Just then one girl’s foot slipped on the log and seizing her companion, both fell into the swift current. At twelve o’clock the body of Cora was found about two hundred yards from where she fell and Mattie’s body was found about a quarter of a mile down.
104 years ago: 1912
Miss Sue Yager has resumed her duties as chief operator for the Nashville Telephone Company, after a vacation of several months. Miss Yager succeeds Miss Pearl Smith, who has held the position for some time, resigning Monday. Both these young ladies are efficient and obliging operators and popular with the patrons of the exchange.
(Adv.) William Powell Betts, D. S. T., located in the Hotel Garner, First Floor, Room 1, Examination Free, Phone No. 137, Nashville, Ark.
60 years ago: 1956
Five Nashville horseback riders left Friday to join the Northwest Arkansas Cavalcade for a trip from Winslow to Fort Smith. The ride is being made in conjunction with the Arkansas-Oklahoma Rodeo, May 26 to June 2 at Fort Smith. Governor Orval Faubus took part in the ride.
The five Nashville riders were Louis Power, J. C. Dyer, Coy Ponder, H. J. Payne and Leonard Stewart. They left Friday and plan to return Tuesday.
(Adv.) Remember Mother on her day with a beautiful card by Gibson, Mother’s Day May 13, Nashville Drug Company
46 years ago: 1970
Honor grads at Mineral Springs include Valedictorian Terry Bell, Salutatorian Cindy Bridgeman, Jim Kever and Charles Webb.
Howard County High School honor grads this year are Charlene Marshall, who will deliver the valedictory at commencement and Shirley Porter, salutatorian.
The honor grads of Dierks High include Valedictorian Donna Fox, Salutatorian Madonna Arnold, Helen Wimberley, Shelia Turner, Pam Whisenhunt, Pat Hedden, Pat Brock, Melanie Rooks, Dana Chandler and Peggy Lofton.
Nashville High top graduates in the 1970 senior class include Belinda McCrary, Kathy Renard, Elaine Roberts, Cindy Floyd, Pam Garrison, Nona Jo Eley, Pam Mabry, Allan Prather, Keith Gant, Billy Wynn, Don McClure and Eddie Stavely.