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White Cliffs News


Mary Crosslin | Local Events Columnist

There were no emergencies in the Cliff this week for which we are grateful. We are now all turning to getting our yards in good shape. The rains have brought so much moisture until the grass is growing really fast.
Mount Zion had regularly worship service on Sunday. Rev. Finn , a guest Minister, brought the word.
Scott United Methodist Church will begin having Worship service every Sunday, beginning May 1 .Save a Sunday and Worship with Scott, all are welcome.
Correction: Last week I reported that Goldie Wilson celebrated her 90th birthday, it was her 91st. birthday. Piggee Memorial Church honored her with cake and ice cream, It is a blessing to live a long life. The Bible says “Honor thy Father and Mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee” in Exodus; 20:12. This is one of the formulas for long life. I hope our young people will discover this verse and obey it.
Milton Hendrix is still on the sick list. He is having a hard time getting rid of a cough, Lela James was having a medical crisis last week , she is somewhat improved. I was having a crisis with my hip last week also. It is beginning to feel a little better. Please keep the prayers going for us. You know when you are sick you do a lot of grunting, not praying, so we depend on our prayer warriors to pray us through.
The Federal Railroad Administration has rated Ashdown as one of the most dangerous railroad crossing in the nation. The crossing at Locke Street in Ashdown was fourth on the list, with 16 accidents and four fatalities. This is a small city where I visit almost on a weekly basis, therefore I am extremely interested for myself and especially for other seniors like myself. Some crossings have arms and other don’t. Please cross the tracks with special caution. Always heed the bell whether you see a train or not, it may be just around the curve and you can’t make it across in time.
Maxine Moore Waters (August 15, 1938) is a U.S Representative from California’s 43rd Congressional District, and previously the 35th and 29th district, serving since 1991. She is a member of the Democratic Party. She is the most senior of the 12 Black Women currently serving in the United States Congress.
Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shall thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.(4)Delight thyself in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of your heart.(5)Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him: and he shall bring it to pass.