Home Early Files Early files for the week of April 25, 2016

Early files for the week of April 25, 2016


Compiled by Patsy Young
121 years ago: 1895

Hon. Witt, president of the Senate, came down Thursday on a visit to his father, Capt. J. C. Witt. Senator Witt is the proud possessor of a handsome gold headed cane presented by his friends in the senate as a slight token of their estimation of him as a presiding officer.
The writer, in company with several others, went fishing on the Ozan and caught–a cold.
Notice: After following in the footsteps of the credit system for 20 years, I now turn deserter and enlist under the banner of “free trade, free silver” and a CASH BASIS. W.K. Cowling

104 years ago: 1912
Hon. D.S. Sain, who has returned from Kansas City, where he went to take depositions in the Lee damage case against the Kansas City Southern Railroad, stopped at Fort Smith on his way home to visit his daughter and heard Theodore Roosevelt.
Mr. Sain states that there was plenty of enthusiasm for Colonel Roosevelt at Fort Smith. The train on which Roosevelt reached Forth Smith was met by an immense concourse of people, and he was applauded liberally upon his arrival and throughout his speech.
(Adv.) Baseball Players Attention! We have just purchased the entire sample line of Baseball Goods of a St. Louis drummer at a big discount, and we shall sell them the same way. Hale & Hale, The Rexall Store

60 years ago: 1956
Louise Lovell, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Lovell has been named valedictorian of the 1956 graduating class of Dierks. She was active in several clubs and organizations well as editor of the school yearbook and co-captain of the basketball team.
Bernice Nabors, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Nabors, has been named salutatorian of the graduating class. She was active in clubs, served as officer in several, and she was student director of the Junior play.
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46 years ago: 1970
The “biggest” law enforcement officer in Howard County ranks is the newest. Don Crawford, who was sworn in as a deputy sheriff Monday, weighs in at 310 pounds. He figures the scales in the future will show less, and less and less. “I won’t stay at this weight with these 18 hour days.”
Cawford is a native of Ben Lomond, born there in 1935. He is a veteran of the Korean War, serving in the Navy from 1952 to 1956. He has lived in Howard County the past four years but worked with poultry allied companies in the county the past 11 years. He and his wife, Elizabeth have two children.