Home Breaking News Nashville hosts Academic Pep Rally

Nashville hosts Academic Pep Rally


ACADEMIC PEP RALLY. Assistant Principal Rick Rebsamen leads Nashville Elementary School students in calling the Hogs during an academic pep rally Friday afternoon. Nashville students will join thousands of others across Arkansas in taking the ACT Aspire during state-required testing during April and early May. High school bandsmen and cheerleaders performed at the pep rally. Scrapper offensive lineman Kirby Adcock spoke during the event, encouraging the youngsters to do their best on the exam. He also invited the students to join in calling the Hogs, led by Rebsamen and the cheerleaders. Adcock has verbally committed to play for the Razorbacks. Coach Brad Chesshir spoke, telling the students to “get your mind right” and “dominate” the Aspire.

chesshir1 nannemann latito fifth grade cheerleaders calling the hogs 1 band1 band adcock