The Prairie Grove Band will be the featured entertainment at a spaghetti meal fundraiser held at the Old Norman High School on Friday, March 18, with food being served from 5 -7 p.m.
The popular band is made up of local musicians, some of whose parents attended the Norman High School before it closed in 1971 when Norman and Caddo Gap schools consolidated. Some picking and grinning music will be played during the meal.
The Norman Historic Preservation Program has applied for a 2:1 matching grant with the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program to concrete the handicapped parking lot being constructed on the west side of the building and to pay for the ADA handicapped ramp leading into the first floor. The board has faith that they will receive the $20,000 they asked for, which means they have to raise $10,000 between now and July 1st. They have to have the cash in hand to be able to begin work immediately.
The concrete in the bathrooms has been poured and the walls and ceiling being constructed this week. Hopefully they will be up and running for the fundraiser. For more information, call Mary Beth Lysobey at 870-223-2724.