Home Opinion We’re Not Done Yet

We’re Not Done Yet


Asa Hutchinson | Arkansas Governor

It’s hard to believe we’ve
reached the end of 2015, but
what a year it has been. At my
inauguration back in January,
I promised a new day in
Arkansas – an era focused
on job creation, tax cuts and
computer science education.
One year later, there are approximately 33,000 more Arkansans
employed than before I took office. In 2015 alone, we
announced new jobs and company expansions in every region
of the state – with investments totaling nearly $2 billion.
We took the story of Arkansas to the world, touting the
state’s defense industry and steel manufacturing capabilities
to Europe; showcasing our agriculture community to Cuba;
and pitching the incredible economic potential of South
Arkansas to China and Japan. The seeds are being planted,
and we’re not done yet.
What we do here in Arkansas matters to people all over
the globe, and 2015 underscored that message.
With unanimous support from the legislature, we passed
the most comprehensive computer science education law
in the country. And earlier this month, we announced the
first-of-its-kind K-8 standards in computer science. As noted
by Code.org and WIRED magazine, the state of Arkansas is
now the national leader in computer science education.
And starting in 2016, Arkansans will benefit from the
largest income tax cut in our state’s history – more than
$100 million.
Through the support of our citizens and members of the
legislature, we’re making great strides in our state’s foster
care system, workforce training and prison reform by giving
non-violent offenders a second chance.
But for all we’ve accomplished in 2015, there is plenty
left to do. In fact, the work is just beginning. As we head
into 2016, topics such as health care, highway funding and
criminal justice reform will take center stage. These are critical
issues, but nothing is too big for our state.
After all, Arkansans can do anything, because – well –
we have done everything, and in 2016, we’ll prove that to
be true once again. Thank you for allowing me to serve as
your governor. It’s the greatest public honor I will ever have.
From my family to yours, Happy New Year.